{ chapter thirty six }

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

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[ just pretend ace is in this picture ]

Chapter thirty six: hall of fame

•~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~•

Aspen let go of the blonde boy's back, her hand on her heart as she leaned on the wall, finally making eye contact with him. He didn't seem to understand the urgency.

"We need to go! Like right fucking now!" Ace stared at them with wide eyes, brushing some of the hair that fell from her disheveled ponytail out of her face. She didn't know why, but there was a heavy feeling of trepidation hammering inside her chest.

"Okay, no, that's code red! That's code red!" JJ yelled down into the well, "John B! Get back on, man!"

"Hey! JJ, hold on man, I'm comin'."  The boy in the well yelled out to them.

The three girls ran over to JJ, helping him pull John B out.

"Three, two, one, pull!" Pope counted down, but as soon as they pulled, the four teenagers on the rope all fell down. The rope gave in since nobody was on the other side of it.

"Shit!" Sarah cursed, taking the hardest fall since she was in the back of the line.

"Where the hell is he?" Pope anxiously questioned while the teens ran over to the well.

"John B! Come on!" Ace yelled, her palms resting on the edge while she attempted to get a glimpse of the boy. JJ pulled her back quickly, not liking how close to the edge she was.

"Sh! Sh! Guys, sh!" Kie desperately sibilated, knowing the crazy woman was upstairs and awake even though it was around 2 am.

They all crouched down, hearing John B yell something indistinguishable.

"What's he saying?" JJ questioned, trying to make out the words.

"JJ, Pope, Kie, Ace!" The boy yelled again, only this time, they heard him.

"Yo, he's drowning! You gotta pull him out." Kie jumped back, ready to start pulling on the rope again.

"John B!" Sarah yelled out once more. Ace wasn't sure if she had realized her name was the only one John B hadn't called out.

"Hey, John B? Get back on the rope. We're gonna pull you back up, okay buddy?" Pope hollered down into the echoey well before retreating back to his spot on the rope.

"Come on!" Kie yelled.

"Come on!" JJ shouted also.

"Pull!" Sarah commanded.

"Okay, everybody help!" The blonde boy instructed, pulling hard on the rope that created blisters on all of their hands.

"Okay, I'm on." John B told them.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now