{ chapter thirty eight }

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Chapter thirty eight: basehead barry gets patellar dislocation

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Chapter thirty eight: basehead barry gets patellar dislocation

•~~~~~~ ~~~~~~•

John B was behind the wheel again as the teens headed towards the warehouse the lady at the pawnshop had instructed them to. The boy didn't let Aspen drive anymore, so she was forced to the back, having to swallow all the shame and irritation.

Sarah was sitting in the passenger seat while the other teens were riding in the back.

"Fuck yeah!" Ace yelled, throwing her fist in the air in happiness as a reggae song began playing. She had been fiddling with the stereo, desperate to find a new channel that worked, and she ended up succeeding in finding one without extreme static constantly overlapping with the music.

Kie gave her a high five as she backed away from the radio, equally grateful that they could finally jam out to something other than rock music.

"So...they keep money out here?" Pope questioned, watching JJ, who was balancing the clump of gold on his palm.

"That's what she said." JJ lifted his gaze from the gold to the window beside him, looking out before snorting. "That's what she said."

Ace began laughing, thinking the joke was hilarious. Pope didn't agree. "Stop," he shut the boy down, making Ace and JJ's smiles drop.

The blonde's eyes flickered to the ground, but the girl was still letting out tiny giggles, not understanding why nobody else was amused.

"Your humor is so dry." Ace shook her head while looking up at Pope.

"Says you." He lifted his eyebrows.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive," said Sarah from the front seat, not spending enough time around the Cut to know her way around. Not that anyone could blame her. Why would a Kook waste their time on the 'bad' side of the island?

"It's 'cause...you're rich," JJ answered bluntly, shrugging.

"You've never heard of it either," Kie monotonously muttered, staring at him in a bored manner.

"Thank you." Sarah smiled at her before glaring at the boy in question.

Kie directed her gaze towards the seemingly endless forest, nothing but evergreens staring back at the twinkie driving by. They all had their suspicions, of course. Everybody was just afraid to voice their doubts out loud.

"There's nothing but weeds back here."

"All right, just 'cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's, like..." JJ's voice trailed off, not knowing where he was taking his sentence in the first place.

Not that he really had time to take it anywhere, since barely five seconds later a new set of police sirens was attempting to cut their trip short, blaring eerily behind the twinkie van.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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