{ chapter twenty four }

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Chapter twenty four: sweetheart

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Chapter twenty four: sweetheart

abuse and talk of sexual assault that can be very triggering for some people

•~~~~~~~ ☼~~~~~~~•

The bed Aspen was laying on at the station was extremely painful to sleep on.

She was wearing a white tank top with a yellow sun design in the middle and high waisted denim shorts. But the tank top reached just above her bellybutton, which allowed the loose nails and sharp edges of the bed to sink themselves into her flesh, which didn't feel particularly nice.

Her hair was messy and tangled with the yellow bandana she had decided to wear that day, which meant her scalp was bruised from all the times her hair had decided to get stuck on the various parts of the bed.

After two full hours of struggling to get comfortable on the rock hard bed, Aspen had finally drifted off to sleep, but her uncomfortable slumber didn't last too long.

She woke up four hours later to the sound of Shoupe's keys loudly clanging on the metal bars of her cell.

He swung the door open. "Get up, Anderson. Someone's here to get you."

The girl groaned, about to get up when the debuty gripped her arm, pulling her out of bed forcefully.

"Ouch, what the fuck?"

"I don't have time to wait around for your tricks. I've got work to do." The man grumbled.

"Like...catching other criminals like me?" The girl intrusively questioned the man, knowing he thought she was annoying.

Ace had figured she could bother him a bit longer before they parted ways.

"Exactly." His answer was short and simple as he dragged the girl through the doors to meet the people who had bailed her out.

She wasn't exactly sure what she had been expecting, so her own surprise caught her off guard. Somehow the thought of her own father bailing her out hadn't even crossed her discombobulated little mind.

Her consciousness was doing somersaults while she stared at her legal guardian apprehensively. She was hoping to pass out and be taken to a hospital right about now, but nothing happened. She didn't pass out or have an aneurysm. She needed to go home.

Her father's eyes met hers instantly. His pupils were wide and she already knew he was under the influence. The thought alone made the girl shut up and stop bothering the deputy.

"All right, off you go." The man let go of her arms.

Aspen was stiffly walking over to her father, making sure there was distance between the two at all times.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now