{ chapter seven }

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Chapter seven: your move broski

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Chapter seven: your move broski

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The crew were headed down to the local beach—the only place where the Kooks and the Pogues could live together like normal people, even if it was only for a couple, fleeting hours.

The sun was already setting when JJ, Ace and John B carried the keg to the middle of the beach. Pope was carrying red plastic cups over his shoulder, forced to listen to Kie as she complained about them being bad for the environment.

"I just don't understand why you didn't get the paper cups. They're so much better for the environment," Kie whined as she held the beer line in her hand, walking in front of the other four teens with her light green backpack.

"You know the Tourons. They always just throw their cups around the beach," she continued with her arms wide, looking at Ace for help.

"We're poor, Kie. We don't really have that much to choose from," JJ reminded her, but she completely ignored his words.

"Ace? A little help here?"

"Well, it's a good thing someone on this island is putting in their 100% for the environment." Ace shrugged, giving Kie the clarification she had wanted.

"Thank you!" Kie placed her other leg on top of the large tree branch that was situated in the middle of the beach, jumping over it without trouble—waiting as JJ, John B and Ace maneuvered the beer keg over it as well, eventually placing it on the dry sand.

It looked like the beach had, indeed suffered quite a bit of damage from the hurricane. The boneyard had been in a relatively bad condition before—now it looked even worse.

Kie held her bottom lip between her teeth, throwing the beer line carefully to JJ, making sure it didn't drop. The Maybank caught it effortlessly, attaching it to the keg.

They spun the bag of solo cups around, opening it as JJ pumped the beer line to get it to spurt out alcohol. And right after it did, he pressed the button, spraying the alcoholic beverage onto John B's face. His eyes stung as he wiped the liquid out of them with the hem of his t-shirt, making all of his friends laugh.

John B then walked over to the keg, taking over his annual duty of handing out drinks. He filled a red cup until it was brimming with beer, handing it over to Ace. The sun was still up but it was never too early for drinking.

She saluded him, raising the cup in the air before maneuvering it to her lips, swallowing the burning liquid down her throat.

After that, John B filled another one, handing that one to Kie and a new one to Pope—which he politely declined.

"I'll take it." JJ held out his hand, grabbing the cup from him and crashing it with Aspen's.

"Salud." She smiled, holding eye contact as they drank. Without intending to, it had soon turned into a competition, neither of them letting go of their cups.

𝐑𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐡 - 𝐉𝐉 𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now