Chapter 22.

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Kaira's POV.

It was already early in the morning when I finally arrived back at the base. I've been thinking the while night, about my feelings. I've never felt this way before. How am I now supposed to act around Sasuke? I can't just act like nothing happened. I wonder.. what if Karin and Suigetsu didn't come.. what would have happened? Sasuke and I were standing very close, and he only came closer..

Would he have kissed me?

''Kaira, are you okay?''

''Eh?'' I looked up, and saw Izuna coming out of his room. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. ''N-Nothing's wrong.'' Why was I stuttering? Something was really wrong with me.. I really have to put Sasuke and what happened out of my mind. It was nothing huge, so why did I keep thinking about it?

''You look a little bit pale.'' Izuna commented as he walked at me.

''I just didn't sleep last night.'' I mumbled as I walked past my brother. ''Is dad in his office?'


I walked through the hallways, heading to dad's office. I still had to tell him what happened, I had to report everything to him.. well, almost everything..

Sasuke's POV.

I lifted the Jinchuuriki up from the ground and threw him over my shoulder. We had to head back now, to the Akatsuki base. Kaira told me she would let me read a letter from Itachi to her, but I wonder how I'll face her when I see her again. After what happened yesterday, I doubt we can look at each other without feeling at least a bit awkward.

''Oi Sasuke, what did Kaira tell you yesterday?'' Suigetsu asked while being carried by Juugo. He was still in his jelly-like state..

''What she told me is none of your business.'' I spoke coldly. Suigetsu didn't have to know about the letter or anything else that happened. No one had to know.

Kaira's POV.

I told Dad everything about the fight. How they fought, what techniques they used, what their stratigy was. I had to admit that it was smart to have a medical-nin in your team. Karin can't fought, but her healing abilities are impressive. When I finished giving my report, dad looked quite satisfied. I knew he wanted to use Sasuke to achieve his goal, but Sasuke is using the Akatsuki as well. I didn't tell him. I didn't tell dad about what Sasuke said about using us.

''Well done, Kaira.'' Dad said as he wrote something down. ''Get some rest, you deserved it.''

I was very tired indeed. I didn't sleep last night because I was heading home. My mission was done, and I didn't want to stay with the rest any longer, especially because of what happened with Sasuke. I actually wanted to talk about this with someone, but who? Suki would be a bad idea. She can't keep her mouth shut, and she would actually laugh at me. Izuna couldn't possibly understand. Madara wouldn't work either. ''Dad?''


''Do you know where mom is?''

Dad looked up from his paperwork on his desk. ''She's asleep, so you should leave her be for now.''

I bit my lip. Maybe later, when she has woken up. ''I'll be going then..''

Dad nodded in reply, without looking up to me, and I left his office.

Asuki's POV.

It is impossible. I couldn't possibly make a cure for Miyu. I am far to inexperienced, and we would need a very skilled medical-nin to cure her illness, but we can't go to a village for help. They would never heal a criminal, especially someone from the Akatsuki. But I'll keep trying. I won't give up. Miyu is my sister, and I can't lose somebody else after I lost Itachi. Far too many have died in this organisation. Even though I was never really on their side, I did care about them. I was, just like Itachi, some sort of spy, even though I decided to side with Itachi a few months after I met him. He was the person I trusted the most, and I didn't join the Akatsuki because I wanted to, but it was to repay Madara for saving me.

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