Chapter 5. Questions.*

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Kaira's POV.

My katana clattered on the stone floor and Itachi held a kunai at my throat, and I grunted and looked away from him. I heard Itachi sigh and he pulled back his kunai and put it in his pouch. ''You did well, we're done training for today..''

I clenched my jaw and picked up my katana and sheathed it. I saw Itachi walking away and I quickly called out for him. ''Itachi-sensei.''

Itachi stopped, and looked over his shoulder. ''What is it?''

''Why did you ki-'' ''Deidara, you baka!!"' Mom's voice boomed throughout the base. Itachi sighed and I raised an eyebrow. What did the moron do know? I haven't heard any explosions in the hideout lately.. I pushed those thoughts aside, and turned back to Itachi to ask him about the Uchiha clan, but he was already gone.

''Damn weasel..'' I murmured through clenched teeth as I left the training grounds. Dad walked by, and I looked questioning at him. He was heading towards the entrance of the base. Was he going somewhere? He rarely leaves the hideout, unless it is something important or urgent. Madara looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and like he could read my mind, he answered my question. ''I was just going to look why Miyu is yelling at Barbie this time.'' he mumbled, obviously pissed off to be disturbed while doing paperwork.

He continued to walk to the entrance, and I decided to follow him.

''Dei, I told you not to get involved, are you crazy?!'' Mom growled when she came into sight together with Deidara. Deidara crossed his arms and grunted. ''I am just taking revenge, un! I was supposed to kill Orochimaru!''

Mom literally facepalmed herself and I rolled my eyes at both of them. I heard dad sigh and he spoke up. ''So Barbie wants to kill Sasuke?''

Deidara let out a groan and turned around to face both of us. ''Stop calling me that, hm!'' He hissed. ''You've been calling me that for over the last 17 years!''

Madara smirked tauntingly. ''I know, and I aim not going to stop calling you Barbie. You should cut your hair if you don't want to be called Barbie, Barbie.'' he chuckled.

''Madara, stop it.'' Miyu muttered annoyed. ''But yes, Deidara wants to murder Sasuke.'' she added softly. Dad let out a sigh and rubbed his temples. ''If he wants to go he can just go..''

Mom dangerously glared at dad, and clenched her fists. ''Don't encourage him, Madara!!"' she yelled. ''He'll get himself killed!''

Dad shrugged and I mentally facepalmed. He should know better than to piss off mom. Her ice jutsu can be so annoying, like most of her jutsus are. I sighed and look back at mom, but narrowed my eyes when I noticed something.

''Where did the idiot go?''

Mom froze and looked around her, and dad just tried to hide his smirk. I whacked dad's arm, and he quickly looked as serious as ever again. Mom's eyes widened and she sent one last glare at dad before she turned around and left the base.

''Miyu, you know you can't go out.'' Dad commented. ''Tenko is especially after you.''

Mom stopped dead in her tracks and looked over her shoulder. ''I don't care! He's after Deidara-nii-san too! And I won't let Deidara die!'' she shouted.

Dad opened his mouth to say something, but I was faster. ''I'll go.''

''You aren't going either. Tenko may not know about your existence, bu-'' ''I'll go with her.'' mumbled someone behind me, cutting Madara off.

Sasuke's POV.

''I did it!'' he yelled. ''I defeated Sasuke, yeah!''

I sighed annoyed. So overconfident.. Coming here all alone, thinking he could kill me with one lame explosion. I protected myself with the snake I summoned. This guy really is stupid. I should be able to finish this soon, after they have given me Itachi's location..

 Kaira's POV.

''They are both pretty beaten up..'' Obito muttered. ''But they put up a nice fight..''  I nodded in agreement, and let out a sigh. ''Get Deidara out of here.''

Obito narrowed his eyes suspiciously at me. ''What are you going to do?''

I stood up and a small smirk appeared on my face. ''I am going to have a little talk with Sasuke-kun..''

Obito stood up from the branch too, with a frown on his face. ''Why would you want to talk to him?''

He would tell Madara if I told him why I wanted to talk to Sasuke. ''It doesn't concern you, just take Deidara away from here the moment the smoke bomb goes off, got it?''

Obito nodded obedient and I looked back down to the two men. I haven't really been listening to their conversation, but Deidara didn't look very happy, and he was glaring daggers at Sasuke. ''That is what's pissing me off so much!"' he yelled loudly. ''You and your brother always act so damn ''cool''!!''

Sasuke's facial expression didn't even change a bit when he spoke those words, and that seemed to piss Deidara off even more.

''It's those eyes.. Those overconfident eyes are an atrocity, un!'' he continued. Tch, the dumbass totally forgot I have the Sharingan too. I don't use it that often, and I never used them on him. Maybe he could refer to Sasuke and Itachi's Sharingan before I'd think he is talking about me too.

''Those eyes reject my art and they piss me off. You should be expressing admiration over my artistic ability, yeah!''

I rolled my eyes. Deidara and his so called. 'art'.. ''I think he has babbled enough..'' I muttered, and Obito sighed and nodded before he took out a smoke bomb and threw it to the ground. Sasuke narrowed his eyes suspiciously and Deidara's eyes widened in surprise. A moment later, the bomb went off and Obito jumped to the ground and quickly thew the idiot over his shoulder and ran off.

I would have let Sasuke kill him if Deidara wasn't my mom's brother. I activated my Sharingan to see if Sasuke was still there. Well, he probably was because he could barely stand just a minute ago. I waited for the smoke to disappear, and Sasuke came into sight, looking around him. He had deactivated his Sharingan a while ago, so he didn't see that Deidara left. Sasuke sighed and stood up, but kept leaning against a tree.

I decided to make my entrance and jumped out of the tree, and landed swiftly on the ground behind Sasuke. He noticed me immediately and turned around. ''You..''

''You don't look so well..'' I commented, and he glared at me. ''You threw that smoke bomb, didn't you? You let him escape.'' Sasuke panted, still worn out from the fight. I shook my head and put my hands on my hips. ''I just happened to pass by, the one who let that guy escape was an Akatsuki member, I saw it myself.''

It was mostly true.. I mean.. Obito threw the bomb, and he took Deidara with him, and he is an Akatsuki member. So I didn't completely lie to him.The only think I am not telling Sasuke is that I am one too..

''Why are you here?'' Sasuke asked coldly. He was as nice as ever..

''I was looking for you.'' I answered. ''I need to know a few things you can tell me.''

Sasuke smirked. ''What makes you think I'll answer your questions?''

Stupid jerk.. ''I'll heal you.'' I suggested, slightly annoyed.

''You're a healer?'' Sasuke asked. Now it was my turn to smirk. ''No, but I learned  few things. It's better than nothing, and you need medical attention.''

Sasuke scoffed. ''Fine.''

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