Chapter 4. Library.*

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Kaira's POV.

''Are they still not done yet?''

I scoffed and turned my gaze at Kuri, who flinched slightly when she saw my Sharingan. ''No.''

Suki rolled her eyes and sighed. She sat down next to Kuri on the couch. ''The extraction will be finished today.'' she spoke.

I grunted and took a kunai out of my pouch and swirled it around my finger, killing some time. I just wanted to go outside, I really hated it to be locked up in the base. There was nothing to do now I could not train with dad, Izuna, mom, Itachi or Kisame. If I only had access to dad's library, I could find some information on Sasuke and Itachi. I needed to know why Itachi killed his clan. I mean, I am a part of the Uchiha clan too, then why didn't anybody tell me anything about this?

I have asked Asuki already multiple times, but she would not tell me. I have the right to know, is it so hard to tell me why Itachi killed his own clan except for Sasuke?

''Aira..? Kaira?''

I was snapped out of my daze and looked up my brother. ''Izuna..''

Izuna frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. ''Are you alright? You normally never space out like that..''

I rolled my eyes and stood up. ''I'm fine..'' I grunted. ''Where's dad?''

Izuna raised an eyebrow. ''In his office, as usual?''

I walked past him and left the room. I needed to ask dad to let me in the library. He would normally let me in, without question, so I hoped it would be the same as usual right now.

Sasuke's POV.

That girl.. Kaira.. Something is off about her.. I mean, she could not be from the Uchiha clan in Konoha, or else I would have recognized her, or at least recognized her name. But since Itachi, Madara, and Obito are the only other Uchiha alive, she must be close related to them. But she wasn't wearing an Akatsuki cloak, nor she had a ring. She looked just.. normal..

She didn't really attack me with killer intent back then.. Am I not her enemy? Isn't she my enemy? I still couldn't trust her, that's obvious..


I mentally cursed to myself. Karin had been bothering me lately more than usual, and it was annoying me to death. I grunted and stood up, and turned around to meet the gaze of the readhead. ''What is it, Karin?''

''We're prepared to go.'' she spoke.

I nodded and folllowed her back to Suigetsu and Juugo. I wanted to split up my team to learn of Itachi's potential whereabouts

Kaira's POV.

''Why? It's been a long time since you have last been there..'' Dad questioned, his gaze not leaving his paperwork.

I sighed and rubbed my temples in annoyance. It as true.. The last time I have been in there was like 2 years ago. I liked to read a lot, but I did it too to learn about my enemies, about everything I needed to know. I have never been to a ninja academy, and most of everything I needed to know about the basics, was written in one of the books and scrolls in the library. Izuna, Suki and I spent many hours in there together.

''I just want to know some things which have been bothering me lately..'' I muttered.

''Like what? Maybe I can tell you..'' Dad spoke smoothly, while he wrote something down on one of his papers.

I gritted my teeth. Would he still let me into  his library if I told him what I was going to look up? I mean, he mustn't have told me anything about the massacre for a reason.

''It's nothing important.. just some jutsu..'' I lied. ''Just give me the key..'' If dad had his Sharingan activated, then I would be in trouble. Dad wasn't the guy someone should be messing with. It's a wonder Deidara is still alive..

Madara sighed and stood up, and opened one of his drawers, and took out a black key. ''Fine..''

Madara's POV.

If Kaira thought she outsmarted me, she was wrong. Of all my children, she acts the most like me, and that's the reason I am able to read her so well. I don't need the Sharingan to see whenever she is lying or not. I know she doesn't go to the library to read something about jutsu, she did that already a few years ago with Izuna and Suki.

The only person who comes there is me, but I only come there to add a few scrolls to the library. This library contains the history of every Akatsuki member, other strong shinobi, and every the jutsu I know about. Everything in there is all we have to know to achieve my goal and destroy everyone who is in  my way. But my, Obito and Itachi's scrolls with our history are missing. Not everyone needs to know what played in my past, and since Kaira, Suki and Izuna were in the library a lot, I took those scrolls away and put them in my drawer in my office. Itachi requested not to tell anyone about his past. He wants everyone to think he killed his clan for power, and nothing more. Currently, only Obito, Asuki, Miyu, and I know about it. Even Pein, Konan and Zetsu don't know, and nobody else needed to know..

Kaira's POV.


They weren't here. I couldn't find anything more than that I already knew about Itachi. I did find the scroll with all the known information about Sasuke. It seemed he has a Cursed Seal, and that he had trained with Orochimaru for almost three years, and he has just the Sharingan, not the Mangekyou Sharingan, like me.

I can't believe I couldn't find anything about the Uchiha clan or Itachi. Why did dad or mom never told me anything that important about my clan? This really sucks..

I guess I have to ask them about it myself.. I sighed and stood up from the chair and put the scrolls back to where I took them.


For those who read my other story with Kaira and Sasuke before I rewrote it, is this one better, or was the other one better? I just want to know. This story will resemble the other one a bit.. For those who read the other story, you'll see what I meant soon enough! :)

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