Chapter 14..

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Pic of Kaira on the side --->


Kaira's POV.

''You are already a target because you are simply my daughter, and that's why I told you as clearly as possible that you shouldn't reveal yourself!'' Dad yelled at me. ''You have not only brought yourself in danger, but your siblings as well! I don't know how those people know about you being an Uchiha, and that doesn't matter anymore, but I forbid you to go outside from now on!''


''No buts!'' Dad cut me of angrily. ''I warned you about that you shouldn't go to far away, that you shouldn't tell anybody anything about you, and that you should murder everyone who managed to identify you, but you failed miserably!'' Dad took a deep breath, probably trying to calm himself down. ''I am disappointed in you, Kaira.'' he whispered before he walked away.

I grunted and clenched my fists. This was so unfair!

Miyu's POV.

I was sitting in the library, reading a scroll. It was always so silent here because there are hardly any people here, and I really needed some time alone, so I had decided to go to this place. Well, it was supposed to be silent here, but I could clearly hear Madara yell..

Suki had told me everything that had happened after Madara left to get Kaira back here. Madara really cares about her, just like he cares about Suki and Izuna, and that is also one of the reasons he is always so hard on them. Madara wants them to be able to save themselves if needed, but Sasuke is making it hard for Kaira to do that.

I looked up when I heard footsteps nearing. Madara approached me, and sat down at the other side of the table, sighing deeply. Running a hand through his silky hair, he looked at me from the corners of his eyes. ''You heard everything, didn't you?''

I nodded and he clenched his jaw. ''Madara, you knew it would come to this one day. You know we wouldn't be able to hide the triplets forever.'' I spoke calmly. ''Maybe it became time for the world to know that there are more Uchiha out there, more than just Itachi, Sasuke and you.''

''No.'' Madara growled. ''Just because one person saw Kaira, knowing she was an Uchiha, she has become a huge target for bounty hunters and villages. Everyone in the Akatsuki has bounty ryu on their heads, but I don't care if anyone is killed, because I could easily replaced that person, but if it was you, or one of the kids..''

I smiled sadly and pursed my lips. ''I know how you feel about this, and I feel so too. I know Kaira, Izuna and Suki have become targets now, just like us, but we learned to deal with it, and I think it has become time for them to learn too. Outsiders don't know the way in the forest like we do, that was how we were able to stay safe, and because of the fact that we were stronger than them.'' I took a deep breath before I continued. ''But they are still just kids, they have still so much to learn.. You shouldn't blame them if something goes wrong. I know you expect much of them, but you can't expect the impossible. Kaira isn't you, she sure has inherited some.. traits that can be quite..''

''Quite what?'' Madara asked lowly. ''And what might those traits be, Miyu?''

''Well..'' I trailed off. Would he be pissed if I told him the characteristics that Kaira inherited are quite troublesome at some times? It would probably damage his pride. He can be so full of himself, and that's exactly what Kaira and Izuna can be too. It's almost like they think they could do anything in the world. Especially Izuna and Madara brag about what they were capable of..

''Miyu, can you come with me for a second?'' My savior spoke behind me.

Madara and I both looked at Asuki, who was standing in the doorway. I nodded and quickly stood up, smiling awkwardly at Madara before I left.

Kaira's POV.

I looked into the mirror, while wiping the blood off my cheeks. It was still from when I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan. I washed my hands after and took off my shirt, leaving me in my black tank top.

I moved my shoulder, and gritted my teeth when a sharp pain shot through it. Sasuke really has to sleep with an eye open after I'm allowed to leave the hideout again..

Madara's POV.

I sighed as I sat down on my chair behind my desk. I was still thinking about what Miyu had said to me. Maybe she was right. Even if today's events didn't happen, somebody would have found out about Izuna, Suki and Kaira someday anyway. I just wanted to keep them save, I am their father after all..

Kaira's POV.


Itachi looked over his shoulder. ''Kaira..''

''Where are you going? On a mission?'' I asked.

Itachi looked for a few seconds away from me, looking quite troubled. My eyes narrowed. There was obviously something wrong. ''Yes, you can call it a mission..'' he murmured as he fully turned around.

I frowned, and was about to ask him what he meant by that, but him embracing me cut me off. ''Itachi?'' I asked softly as I slowly hugged him back. ''Is something wrong?''

''No.'' Itachi answered quietly. ''I'll just be gone for some time.. Oh, and Madara asked me to tell you you have to come to his office, he wishes to speak with you.''

I pulled away from the hug and nodded at him. ''Alright..''

Itachi smiled sadly and ruffled my hair. ''Kisame is waiting outside, so I'll be going now..''

''Bye, Itachi.'' I murmured, as I watched him leave the hideout. Something was wrong with him, but I couldn't think of anything that would be bothering him..

Itachi's POV.

I was sitting on the chair, waiting for Sasuke. He would come soon, I could feel it. I had said goodbye to Asuki, she was the only one who knew what i was going to do, but I had the feeling Madara knew already a bit too. He's always been so sneaky. That man is unreliable, but I'm glad he didn't know anything about my secret mission.

I opened my eyes when I heard footsteps, and saw Sasuke standing in front of me, a few metres away. ''What do you see with that Sharingan of yours?'' I asked my little brother, who was glaring at me.

''What do I see?'' he asked mockingly. ''With these eyes of mine, there's one thing I can see clearly...'' he spoke coldly.

''Itachi, I see your death.''


I'll be going on vacation next week, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to update. If I have time, I'll try to publish a chapter, but I can't promise anything..

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