Chapter 43. Victim.

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The story will now deviate a but from the storyline but it doesn't really make a difference, so..
And since I don't have my laptop with me at the moment, I couldn't check the spelling and grammar with the site I normally use and I won't be home for another week so I'll fix it when I have my laptop again :)

Kaira's POV.

Running my hands through Sasuke's soft locks as his head was lying on my lap, I looked at his face. Bandages were covering his eyes. It really bothered me. He promised me to be careful and when I saw him again he looked like he was about to collapse.

''Why are you so reckless?'' I whispered.

Sasuke didn't reply, and just merely l raised his hand a bit.

My fingers softly caressed the bandaged eyes. ''Does it hurt?''

''Not anymore.'' he muttered as his hand went even higher, his fingertips touching my cheek. Sasuke's lips curled a little bit as I let him feel my face a bit. It was pretty awkward, but Sasuke couldn't see anything right now.

I gasped when he grapped the collar of my shirt and pulled me down until my face was hovering over his. Feeling his breath fanning my cheeks made me feel slighly uncomfortable, and I pursed my lips and tried to get back up again, but Sasuke held my shirt too tightly.

While one of his hands was still holding the collar of my shirt, he placed the other one on my cheek, slowly going down until his thumb brushed against my lips. ''Don't press them together like that.'' he mumbled.

I frowned. ''Wha-'' My eyes widened once he pulled me even further down, my lips coming into contact with his. We stayed a few seconds like that, sharing a simple kiss, just lips touching, until I pulled away.

Sasuke smirked slightly as he released my shirt. ''That's why.''

I smiled slightly and ran my hand through his silky hair again, but looked up once I heard a knock on the door. Sasuke sighed and sat up before I told whoever was outside to come in.

The door opened and I was pretty surprised to see mom standing in the doorway, smiling softly. ''I heard you were back.'' she said. ''But shouldn't the mission have taken longer?''

''We were discovered thanks to Izuna,'' I lied. ''So we had no choice but to finish them.''

Mom raised an eyebrow. ''I didn't think you two would be discovered so easily.'' she muttered, and then she turned to Sasuke. ''How are your eyes?''

''They're fine.''

''That's good.'' mom smiled. ''But I have to go now. I just came here to check on you two. Goodnight.''

''Goodnight.'' I mumbled before she left. Sighing, I leaned my head against Sasuke's shoulder. ''When can you take those bandages off?''

''In a few weeks? I don't know.'' Sasuke replied. "But even when I can see again, I don't think my new Sharingan would be healed yet."

Sasuke's POV.

Once I woke up, I wanted to open my eyes out of habit, but found myself being unable to do so. Remembering what happened yesterday, it already made sense.

Fumbling around to find the edge of the bed, I accidentally touched Kaira, who I thought was already gone. I heard her hum right after I touched her leg and hoped I hadn't woken her up.

When it was still quiet after a few seconds, I slowly moved away from Kaira until I felt the edge of the bed. But just before I could get off, a hand grabbed my wrist. "Will you be okay by yourself?"

So I did wake her up. "I may be momentarily blind but I'm not helpless."

Kaira retreated her hand, and I realized the way I spoke to her may had been a bit rude, even though I didn't meant it that way. "I'll let you know when I need your help."

"Just be careful.."

I sighed. "You don't need to be so worried."

"How could I not be worried, Sasuke?" Kaira asked, grunting slightly. "You promised me to be careful and you were being reckless instead. You could have died!"

Understanding where she was coming from, I couldn't blame her for being worried. I was the one who made her worry in the first place. Kaira has become more caring and also more affectionate lately. She was changing.
Instead of following orders thoughtlessly, she began thinking for herself, making desicions herself.

I held my hand out. "Come here."

Hearing the shuffling of the sheets, I knew she was doing as I said. When I felt the soft skin of her cheeks on my fingertips, I raised my hand and placed it on top of her head, ruffling her hair. "I'll be more careful next time, okay?" I asked, trying to reassure her.

I felt Kaira nod. "You better be, idiot.."

Izuna's POV.

"Good morning!" I grinned once I entered the kitchen, and the corners of my mouth only raised once I saw Kaira and Sasuke glare at me. Well, I didn't really know if Sasuke was glaring but if he could he would be doing so.

"I see you're both in a good mood." I commented, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I actually forgot they almost always looked like that..

I sat down next to Kaira and took a piece of toast from her plate and ate it. "Thank you~"

Kaira sighed and shoved her plate towards me. "You can have it, I'm not hungry anymore anyway."

I chuckled and happily took it from her. At the same time, Shisui entered the room as well, but when he saw Sasuke, his eyes narrowed and he turned around, leaving us. I frowned. "Is he still mad that Sasuke killed Itachi?"

Hearing something clatter, both Kaira and I looked at Sasuke, who dropped his cutlery on the plate. Clenching his jaw, he shoved the chair away from him and stood up.

"Sasuke?" Kaira asked.

Without answering, Sasuke left the room and I grunted once I felt an elbow in my stomach and almost choked on the food.

Kaira glared at me. "Idiot."

"What? He talked about his brother before and seemed totally fine then." I defended myself.

Kaira sighed and flicked her finger against my forehead. "Sasuke killed him without knowing the truth so it hit him pretty hard when he heard about what Itachi did. It hasn't been that long since Itachi died, and even if we accepted his death, it's not over for Sasuke until he had his revenge. Even if he can speak about him freely sometimes, it can still be saddening to think he isn't here anymore."

"Sorry then.."

"Don't apologise to me."

"It's not my fault Sasuke is that way." I muttered. "Don't you need to go after him?"

"I'm not his babysitter. Sasuke can take care of himself perfectly fine, and if he needs help he'll just say it."

I nodded in understanding. "And Shisui?"

Kaira shrugged. "He just needs to understand that it was all a misunderstanding, and that Itachi wanted it to he this way. Itachi wasn't the victim here, Sasuke was."


"Yeah." Kaira sighed. "Sasuke feels responsible for his death and is carrying all the burdens."

"Victim, huh?"

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