Chapter 3. Paths Cross.*

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Sasuke's POV.

''I'm tired.'' Suigetsu whined. Karin grunted and clenched her fists. ''Maybe if you drop your stupid, heavy sword, you wouldn't get tired so easily!''

Juugo sighed and shook his head. I rolled my eyes. I really can't travel far with this team, but I needed their abilities. ''We'll take a break.'' I announced. Suigetsu smirked, showing his pointy teeth, but Karin let out a 'tch' before she plopped down on a rock. ''Fine.''

I ignored them all and turned around, walking off.

''Nee, Sasuke, where are you going?'' I heard Juugo ask.

''I'm just going to take a walk.''

Kaira's POV.

The others probably have already started the extraction of the Sanbi and the Yonbi, and the rest was just in the hideout, but I didn't feel like going to them. They are too childish, especially Rai and Shisui, and that will get them killed one day. We are criminals, we don't have time to goof around.

My eyes narrowed when sensed some chakra sources, one especially. This one was dark, and cold, and a smirk was played on my lips. I quickly jumped into a tree, and I suppressed my chakra.

A few moments later, a guy came in view. He had emotionless onyx eyes and black hair that reached his chin. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, which was open at the torso. He wore a dark blue pants with a blue cloth hanging from halfway up his stomach to his knees. He also wore a purple rope belt around his waist, tied in a bow, in which he carries his sword.

When he passed the tree I was sitting in, I noticed the small version Uchiha crest on the collar of his shirt. Then.. was this guy Sasuke Uchiha?

Sasuke suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. ''Nice try, but suppressing your chakra is useless when I can feel your presence.'' he spoke coldly. ''Come out.''

I narrowed my eyes at him, and he still didn't turn around. He looked so full of himself!

I rolled my eyes and jumped out of the tree, landing swiftly on the ground behind him. Now, he did turn around, and he looked me straight into the eyes. ''Who are you?''

I remained silent as he glared at me. I could not tell anyone who I was, for my own safety, at least, that is was dad told me. I don't know much about it, but this 'Tenko' guy was after my family. Mom and dad never told me much about him, but if he heard word of me, or my siblings, he would come after us.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes to slits and he drew his sword. I didn't waver as I wrapped my fingers around the handle of my katana.  ''I'll ask you again. Who are you?''

I couldn't help but smirk at the look in his eyes. Even though he had a blank expression on his face, at his eyes I could see he didn't like my attitude already. But what can I say? I am who I am.

Sasuke suddenly charged at me, and in a second he was in front of me and our katana clashed. He was pushing harder than me and both katana came closer to my face. I grunted and jumped backwards, away from him. Sasuke's eyes showed a glint of amusement, and he suddenly disappeared.

I sheathed my katana and looked around me, trying to sense his chakra, but it was like the dark and cold chakra I sensed earlier, had completely vanished. I had the urge to activate my Sharingan, but if Sasuke was to see my eyes, he would know I was an Uchiha, just like him.

I slowly walked backwards, still glancing around me, but I didn't see him anywhere. My back met the tree and I let out a sigh. Was he gone?

My eyes widened and I quickly looked up, and I rapidly grabbed his wrist, from the hand he was holding the katana with. Sasuke's black eyes were looking righ into mine, glaring coldly, and I countered the glare with one of my own. The side of his katana was a few inches away from my throat, and I knew, that if I had caught his wrist a little later, I would be dead. My other hand grabbed the handle of his katana next to where his hand held his katana, to keep the katana away from me.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as his hand went towards my neck. I couldn't stop his hand, because both my hands were preventing him from cutting my head off. I grunted and turned my head away from him. I furrowed my eyebrows when his hand didn't wrap around my neck, like I had expected, but his hand went lower.

He took my necklace between his fingers and his eyes widened. ''The Uchiha crest?'' he whispered. His eyes met mine and he glared coldly. ''You're an Uchiha?'' Shit, I had completely forgotten about the necklace..

I remained silent as Sasuke let go of my necklace and walked a metre backwards. ''How are you one? Itachi killed them all except for me!''

My eyes widened. Itachi killed his own family? Why did nobody tell me about this? Was this why Sasuke wanted to kill Itachi? To get revenge, to avenge his killed clan? Why did Itachi even kill his own clan?

So many questions, but I had no answers. ''Sasuke, why did Itachi do it?'' I asked. Sasuke frowned and sheathed his katana. ''How do you know my name?''

A smirk appeared on my face. ''I have heard of you, that you are targeting Itachi.'' I spoke. Sasuke closed his eyes and nodded

I mentally groaned when I sensed a certain chakra approaching. What was that stupid bird doing here?! A black crow landed on my shoulder, and Sasuke frowned at me. I motioned for Jun to sit on my arm and he obeyed. A folded paper was bound around his leg  with a thread, and I took a kunai out of my pouch and cut the thread and grabbed the paper before I put my kunai back in my pouch.. ''Go back.'' I whispered to Jun, and the crow flew away, back to the hideout.

Jun was the messenger of Akatsuki. He was a summon, and he originally belonged to Itachi, but everyone in the organization was now able to summon him. That way, we can always contact each other without going to that person yourself.

Sasuke was still looking into my direction as I opened the folded paper.



you need to come back to the base. Now that many of the members are busy with the extraction of the Yonbi and the Sanbi, we need to be more alert for enemies. If they find and attack us, we need everyone we have at the moment, including you.



''Tch.'' I burned the letter quickly with one of my fire jutsu and turned my gaze to Sasuke. ''Until we meet again, Sasuke.'' I spoke slowly before I turned around.

''At least tell me your name.''

Would it be wise to tell him? He did already know my surname.. But still.. He was after Itachi, who is in the same organization as me, so Sasuke is actually the enemy.. But since he is also an Uchiha.. Would this hurt somebody, telling him my name? I guess not. I mean, Sasuke didn't look like the kind of guy who was very talkative, so the chance he would tell anybody about me would be small. It's just a guess, so I am not sure about this. Mom and dad did warn me for Tenko, but I didn't even know nor have seen this guy. Weren't mom and dad a little bit exaggerating about the 'tell nobody who you are'  and 'do not go too far away' stuff? Yes, they were


''Kaira Uchiha.''

Sasuke's POV.

I made my way back to my team, still thinking about this girl. Kaira.. It just did not make any sense.. how can she be an Uchiha, and not be dead. Maybe she wasn't there when Itachi murdered the clan. But then I should have known or at least recognized her if she was in the Uchiha clan with me.

I guess I will have to keep my guard up. I needed to come to know more about her.

Because I somehow had the feeling... our paths would cross again in the future..

Asuki's POV.

I was awaiting my sister's daughter at the entrance of the hideout. She had left almost an hour ago, and I knew she was able to take care of herself, but if an enemy approached the hideout, we need her here to fight. I know the chance was small that someone would find us out here, and we move to a new hideout every month, but just in case Kaira needed to be here.

I let out a sigh when she finally arrived. Kaira looked annoyed, as usual and she walked passed me without saying anything. I rolled my eyes and followed her. Kaira was even more anti-social than Madara.. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I guess it runs in the family.

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