Chapter 7. Worthy.*

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Madara's POV.

Two hours had already passed until Obito came finally back with a beaten up Deidara. He hung over Obito's shoulder, clearly unable to walk. What had he done now? Miyu was worried sick about him, and rightly so. I narrowed my eyes at Obito. ''Where is Kaira, Obito?''

Obito sighed and dropped Deidara, letting him fall to the ground and he let out a painfully groan. ''Deidara was fighting Sasuke when we came. We took Deidara away from there before he could lose himself, but Kaira stayed, saying she wanted to talk to Sasuke.'' he answered my question.

I frowned. Why would she want to talk to him? He would probably only attack her, but I know Kaira is strong enough to defend herself against him. I trained her after all, and Itachi and Obito train her sometimes too. Kaira just has to get back here soon.

''Deidara, you baka!!"'

I looked over my shoulder and saw Miyu running at us. She ran past me, and knelt next to Deidara and wiped some of his hair out of his face. ''I told you not to go!!'' she scolded him. ''Why don't you ever listen to me?!" Miyu smacked him and Deidara hissed in pain. I rolled my eyes, but looked over my shoulder again when I heard footsteps. ''Suki.''

Suki pointed at Deidara and her mother and raised an eyebrow. ''What happened?'' she questioned. I was about to answer her, but Miyu interrupted me. ''Deidara will explain hat himself later.'' she grumbled. ''Help me get him to the infirmary, Suki.''

Suki nodded and ran over to her, and put one of Deidara's arms over her shoulder and lifted him off the ground together with Miyu, and dragged him to the infirmary.

I turned my attention back to Obito. ''Get Izuna, and bring him to my office.'' I spoke before I turned around and made my way back to my office.

Izuna's POV.

I didn't bother to knock and opened the door to dad's office. He was sitting at his desk, doing his paperwork as usual, and I closed the door behind me and walked towards him. ''You called for me?'' I asked, and dad looked up from his papers and put his pencil down.

''Yes, I have a task for you.'' he said and he opened one of his drawers, and I waited patiently until he had found what he was looking for. After a few seconds, he took out a scroll and placed it on his desk. ''I want you to give this to Juro.''

Juro was one of our spies, in fact, he was one of Sasori's subordinates. Even though Sasori had died, he stayed loyal to the Akatsuki. I bet he didn't dare to betray us, or else it would mean his death.

''So I just have to hand him the scroll? That's all?'' I questioned as I pointed at the scroll. Dad nodded and I frowned at him. ''I presume this is a low-rank mission, why don't you let Rai do it?''

Dad sighed and leaned back into his chair. ''It's urgent, and Juro is currently spying on a certain person in a dangerous area, so I want you to do it.''

I eyed him once more before I looked at the scroll. ''I'll do it, but where is he?'' I asked.

''Where he usually is. Just at the border of the Mountain's Graveyard, you have been there before. Juro knows you are coming.''

I nodded, and I grabbed the scroll. I turned around, and walked towards the door. ''Oh, and Izuna?''

I stopped and looked over my shoulder. ''Yes?''

''If you encounter Kaira, tell her she immediately has to go to my office when she gets back.''

I nodded and waved at him before I left his office and headed towards my room to get ready for my mission.

Obito's POV.

After bringing Deidara back to the base, I went to Asuki to inform that her stupid brother was back, and she immediately went to the infirmary to help Miyu heal him. I sat down on the couch next to Kuri, and let out a sigh. I wondered how Kaira was. Was it wise to do as she told me and leave without her? Sasuke was badly injured, so I guess she will be fine.

''Is everything alright, Obito?'' Kuri asked softly.

''I'm fine, just annoyed.'' I answered as I crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't really feel like talking to Kuri now. ''Why are you annoyed?'' she asked.

''Deidara got himself in trouble and Kaira and I had to save his ass.'' I grumbled as I stood up.

''Where are you going?'' Kuri questioned.

''Away.'' I grumbled before I walked away, leaving the room, but when I was around the corner, I almost bumped into Kaira. ''You're already back?''

Kaira glared at me, and rolled her eyes. ''Good to see you too, Obito.'' she mumbled sarcastically. I sighed and began to walk away, with Kaira walking next to me. ''So what happened after I left?'' I asked. Kaira looked at me from the corners of her eyes. ''Nothing important, we just talked a bit.''

Typical Kaira.Why is she always being so mysterious? Sometimes I wish she was just as talkative as Kuri. ''About what?'' I questioned, trying to get at least some answers out of her. Kaira let out an annoyed sigh, and opened her mouth to say something, but when she was about to speak up, a door opened and we both looked to the right.

''I assume you didn't see Izuna on your way back?'' A deep voice spoke.

''No, I didn't see him.'' Kaira said, and Madara nodded before waving at her, motioning for her to follow him. Kaira looked once more at me before she turned around and followed Madara into his office.

Madara's POV.

''Kaira, Sasuke is one of our enemies, and you just talked to him when you could take advantage of the situation and kill him off easily and quickly? He was injured after all..''

Kaira merely shrugged. ''He was worth it.'' was her excuse. I raised an eyebrow. ''Worth it?'' Since when is someone worth it to be kept alive? Kaira often killed anyone who is a threat to this organisation without hesitation, why was Sasuke worth it to be kept alive?

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