Chapter 23. Feelings.

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Kaira's POV.

''Sasuke..?'' I asked hesitantly. I felt the nervousness come back again, while I also had this other feeling..

Sasuke opened his eyes and looked at me, pushing himself away from the door.

''Why are you here?'' I asked him.

''You told me that if I wanted to read that letter, you would let me read it, right?'' Sasuke asked, his voice as monotonously as always. I felt relieved, but disappointed as well. I walked past Sasuke, trying to act as normal as possible, trying to hide my nervousness, and opened the door to my room. Sasuke followed suit, closing the door behind his back. As I opened the drawer of my desk, I felt Sasuke standing behind me. I grabbed the letter and turned around, but took a step backwards when I saw Sasuke standing right before me. The back of my legs hit the desk and Sasuke watched me closely. While I looked away from him again, I held the folded letter in front of him, and he took it out of my hands, his fingers brushing against mine, leaving a tingling sensation. I cleared my throat as I pulled my hand back, placing it on the desk.

Sasuke unfolded the letter, and began to read it. Sometimes, he would look up to me, or his eyes would narrow while reading. It only took a minute or two before he was done, and he sighed softly. ''Thank you.'' his voice was cracked a bit, and I could also hear a hint of sadness. I felt sorry for him. He must have felt terrible after hearing the truth about Itachi..

Sasuke handed the letter back to me, and I put it back in the drawer before closing it again. When I looked back at Sasuke, he was still standing before me, and I looked up to him, into his onyx eyes. I felt so uneasy around him, but it wasn't in a bad way. It's just that I didn't know what to do, and to be honest, I wanted to escape this uneasiness.

''Sasuke, I..I still need to do someth-'' ''Don't lie.'' he interrupted me.

It didn't look like one of us was going to say something, yet Sasuke wouldn't let me go away. Did I really feel this way about him? Did I like him? I don't know anymore. It's true that I began to care about him. When I first met him, I couldn't care less about him. I couldn't be discovered back then, but I let my guard down and forgot to hide my necklace. Sasuke told nobody about me, and I had to leave whenever his teammates would come to him while I was with him. I couldn't let anybody more know about me after all. But now I did care about him. During the fight against the Hachibi, I was pretty worried. That guy was strong, and he injured Sasuke pretty badly.

But did I like him?

Did I like Sasuke, as in more than a friend? I don't remember the moment when we became friends, but now I can consider us friends, right? I've never really made got in touch with other people outside the Akatsuki before. I never liked someone like this before, but that's probably because I never met someone from around my age before, except my brother and sister. I did feel a bit attracted to him, yet I was unsure about this feeling. Do I really like Sasuke, or was this just a temporary feeling that would go away after a few days?

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I looked up to the Uchiha, who was looking down at me. ''What are you going to do now?'' I asked, trying to start a conversation. ''After you've read the letter?"

Sasuke sighed and pursed his lips. ''I know Itachi doesn't want me to do this, but I can't do what he wanted me to do.'' he said. ''I'm still going to crush Konoha, I'm going to let them suffer for what they did to Itachi.''


''The elders.''

''I see..''

The tension I first felt, was now slowly disappearing, and I already felt more comfortable. ''How are you feeling?'' I asked. ''You still haven't gone to the infirmary, have you?''

''No, I wanted to read the letter first, it was more important.'' Sasuke said. ''And I wanted to talk to you as well.''

I blinked. ''Talk to me?'' I mumbled. ''About what?''

Sasuke's POV.

She knew what I was talking about, she just didn't want to bring it up herself. She has been acting differently after what happened that night. More hesitant, and a bit more distant as well. When we brought Madara the Hachibi, she looked away from me, and when she turned around a few minutes ago, she already took a step away from me. Kaira has never been the shy type, but she acts a bit like one now. And it's like she's a bit hesitant about her feelings, but I have that as well. Kaira isn't difficult to understand, not for me at least.

''You know about what, Kaira.''

I squeezed her shoulder a bit, and Kaira looked at me with an unsure look in her eyes. ''Sasuke.. I-''

A knock on the door cut Kaira off, and we both looked at the door. Kaira looked at me once more before she attempted to walk to the door, but I pulled her back. We were always interrupted. First by Karin, who would always come in the middle of the conversation Kaira and I held in the woods. Two days ago, it was Karin and Suigetsu, but I couldn't let that happen now. I've wanted to talk to her for two days now.

''Kaira, are you in there?'' I heard Suki call.

Kaira grabbed my wrist of my hand that was on her shoulder, and she looked at me. ''I'm sorry Sasuke..'' she spoke softly, and she tried to removed my hand from her shoulder, but I only tightened the grip and grabbed her other shoulder as well, not giving her the chance to walk away. Kaira looked at me as I stepped closer to her. The back of her legs hit the desk again as I lessened the distance between us, leaning in.

Kaira's POV.

Sasuke's lips touched mine, and I found myself unable to move for a few seconds. I've had never kissed before, so I didn't really know what to do. My eyes closed slowly as Sasuke's soft lips moved against mine, and I got this warm feeling in my ches. I didn't really know how I felt about Sasuke before, but now I've confirmed my feelings now. I like Sasuke.

I've realized now that I've continuously been making up excuses. Saying that he was in the same clan, telling myself he was worthy, all reasons to not to try and kill him. Of course Sasuke really was worthy. He was strong, a great opponent to me, andI felt attracted to Sasuke since the beginning, but wouldn't admit it, so I made up excuses. All this time I've been doubting my feelings. I wasn't sure about what exactly I felt. I lied to myself, and it's only now that I realize that Sasuke always had something that made me interested in him, that made me.. like him.. I wasn't familiar with these feelings before, but now I know what those mean...

Sasuke pulled away, leaving me slightly flustered, not knowing what to say. Sasuke smiled faintly at me and put his warm hand on my cheek. ''Kaira, I-'' The door was slammed open, and my sister came baging into my room, looking slightly irritated. Sasuke stood already  a few metres away from me, looking at Suki as well. Even though he had a black look on his face, his eyes showed annoyance as well.

Suki glared at me. ''Kaira, why didn't you open the door?!'' she growled at me. ''I knocked several times, are you deaf?!''

I sighed and countered her glare with one of my own. ''We were just talking about our mission, Suki.'' I said, trying to act as normal as possible, not letting Suki notice anything.

Suki looked at Sasuke from the corners of her eyes, like she was trying to tell from him if I was telling the truth or not. Sasuke nodded, and Suki seemed to believe it. She's always been easy to fool. When Suki looked back at me, I saw something in her eyes that gave me a bad feeling. ''Suki, do you need something?'' I asked.

Suki nodded slowly, looking suddenly a bit nervous, and scared as well. ''Dad wants to see you in his office.'' she mumbled. ''It's been a long time since I last saw him this pissed off...''


Sorry if it sucked. I'm not really satisfied with this chapter, and edited it many times.. Sasuke may be a bit OOC. I don't know when I'll update again. It can take some time. I have a hard time at school and things at hime aren't really going well either..

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