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Kaira (Kaa-ie-raa)16,5 years old. Has fire and lightning release. Long dark blue/black hair, and back eyes. Pale skin and slim body. Oldest child of Madara and Miyu. Has Mangekyou Sharingan.

Izuna 16,5 years old. Has fire and earth release. Long dark blue/black hair, and black eyes. Tanned skin and wel-built body. Son of Madara and Miyu. Has Mangekyou Sharingan.

Suki 16,5 years old. Has ice (water and wind), and fire release. Long dark blue/black hair, sometimes in a braid or ponytail and green eyes. Pale face and slim body. Youngest child of Madara and Miyu. Has Mangekyou Sharingan.

Rai 13 years old and youngest son of Itachi and Asuki. Has only fire release. He has short black hair, and black eyes. Tanned skin. He doesn't have the Sharingan.

Shisui 15 years old and oldest son of Itachi and Asuki. Has fire and earth release. He has short black hair and black eyes. Pale skin, and he has the Sharingan.

Kuri 15,5 years old, and Deidara and Yuki's only child; a daughter. Has earth and water release. She has long blond hair in a ponytail, and sky blue eyes with a pale skin.

Miyu 37 years old. Izuna, Suki and Kaira's mother, and Madara's wife. Has ice (water and wind), and earth release. She's Deidara's twinsister, and Asuki's half-sister. She has long blond hair, often in a braid or ponytail, and she has green eyes. Her father is Kouta Mizushima and her mother died over 20 years ago by a disease. (About her parents; more expained in chapter 19 of Love isn't a Weakness)

Asuki 40 years old. Shisui and Rai's mother and Itachi's wife. She is Deidara and Miyu's half-sibling. She has brown hair and green eyes. Has earth and ice (water and wind) release.

Yuki 36 years old. Kuri's mother and Deidara's wife. Has earth and water release. She has dirty blond hair and brown eyes.

Tenko is Asuki's father and Deidara and Miyu's stephfather. He is their enemy for personal reasons, and he in intending to kill them, along with the rest of the Akatsuki. You will come to know more about him later in the story.

NOTE: I do not follow the original storyline and timeline, and I do not own Naruto or any other characters, only the one who I mentioned belong to me, and the ones who are still going to appear in this story.


The ages are different in this story. All the Akatsuki members are 16 years older than they used to be. So Deidara is actually 19, then now he is 35, or else it would be a bit impossible for him to have a daughter who is already a teenager. But Naruto and all the others, are just 16. You'll barely notice it.

Do not tell me I shouldn't do it this way, this is a fanfiction, so I can do what I want to do. I mean, I could let Itachi be a unicorn, but I won't, do you see now how kind I am for letting Itachi being himself, only just a bit older?

Oh, and just to be clear. Itachi left Konoha, and went on a mission to gain intel on the Akatsuki, but he stayed in touch with his village, who knew about the mission. Or else Sasuke wouldn't have known him if Itachi stayed in the Akatsuki. So everything that happened, including the coup d'etat and all that stuff, did happen, and Itachi was there. I know this doesn't make any sense, but do you want things to be a bit the same as in the series, or do you want me to think of something even lamer to let Itachi be there when the clan tries to take over the village? So, Itachi was ordered to kill his clan, and then the villagers think he chose for the side of the Akatsuki insteas of their side and you all know the rest. Sasuke leaves, and trains with Orochimaru. The rest will still happen in the story.

If you don't understand it or if you have questions, don't be afraid to ask.


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