Chapter 28.

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Remember that I once said that I changed something in one of the first chapters? For the ones who don't know what I changed, it's the way Kaira, Izuna and Suki got their Mangekyou Sharingan. You'll find out the rest in the chapter :)

Sasuke's POV.

I watched Kaira as she was lying on her bed, her eyes closed., even though she wasn't asleep. I was sitting on the edge of the bed. We've been in her room for a while now, neither of us saying anything. It wasn't an awkward silence, but not a comfortable one either. ..Things.. happened between us, and we may be acting like nothing happened, but it's bothering us both.

But that's not the only thing that was bothering me. Kaira's eyes.. her Mangekyou Sharingan.. How did she get it? Since the first time I saw it I have been wondering who she killed to obtain it. The person closest to you... Has Kaira suffered a trauma after witnessing the death of someone close to her, or did she kill that person herself?

I can hardly believe there were other people beside her family that were close to her. I can tell she only cares about her siblings and parents. The rest of the family didn't really matter to her. Only Itachi then, he was important to her..

Who would be more important than her family?


She opened one of her eyes and looked at me. ''Hmm?''

''How did you get your Magekyou Sharingan?''

Now Kaira opened both eyes, and sat up. ''Why do you want to know?''

I frowned at her. ''Is it a secret or something?''

Kaira sighed. ''No.. If you really want to know, I'll tell you. It's nothing special though.'' Kaira crossed her legs. ''Dad awakened it.''

Madara awakened her Mangekyou Sharingan..? ''That's impossible. You can't awaken a Mangekyou Sharingan unless-'' ''I wasn't done yet.'' Kaira cut me off, a sly smirk forming on her lips. ''Like I said, my father awakened it. His genjutsu is.. very realistic.. He put me under a genjutsu without saying anything to me. I didn't see the difference between real life and his genjutsu back then, so I believed everything I saw..'' Kaira trailed off, her smirk disappearing. I wonder what she did after she found out it was all a genjutsu..

''I was terrified..'' she whispered. ''Seeing her die like that, in such cruel way. I believed she had died. It all seemed so real.. That's how I and my siblings got our Mangekyou.. I ignored dad for a few days after he did that to us. I was so angry he would do such a thing. I barely use the Mangekyou Sharingan anyway, so why awaken it? It's only trouble anyway.''

Kaira sighed and pulled her knees to her chest, and I clenched my fists. Doesn't she realize Madara is just using her? He awakened her Mangekyou so she can use it for his sake. I believe that Madara doesn't see Kaira as her daughter, but as one of his puppets. She has to do missions for him, to help him reach his goal, whatever that may be.

''Who was it?'' I asked. ''The one that died in the genjutsu?''

Kaira cringed slightly and dug her nails in her legs. ''Mom..'' She whispered. ''She is the person most important to me..''

A long silence followed after. I didn't understand how Madara could do something like that to her. Just to activate the Mangekyou. After I killed Itachi, when Madara told me everything, I felt horrible, empty, helpless. I killed the only family I had left, thinking he was the bad guy. But to see your own mother die.. Kaira must have felt desperate. Not being able to do anything while seeing the ones you love die, that's just a terrible expierence.

I raised my hand and put it one her knee, squeezing softly. ''Let's go eat something, it's already late..''

We missed supper for sure. Not that everybody eats together at the same time, but Miyu, Madara, Suki and Izuna always ate together. Kaira would join them as well sometimes, for so far I know.

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