Chapter 1. Kaira and Sasuke.*

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Kaira's POV.

I sat on the couch in the living room, rubbing my temples in annoyance, as Suki kept talking about a 'cute boy' she had seen on her latest mission. Trust me, I really do not care. Why should I?

''Suki, go bother Kuri with these lame stories of yours.'' I grumbled as I stood up. My sister pouted and blinked with her green eyes, begging me to sit back down so she could finish her story. I let out a 'tch' before I left the room, leaving Suki behind.

Suki is a nice girl, believe me.. she's just too talkative, unlike me. And then imagine being stuck in the hideout of the Akatsuki with four other kids.. Izuna, my brother isn't that bad.. But Kuri is so annoying. She always gets on my nerves with her annoying voice when she doesn't know when to shut up.. Rai, he's fine, I guess. I don't really spend much time with him.. Then you have Shisui.. He's ok, besides for his lust for battles. He always challenges Izuna, Suki or me. I refuse most of the time, not even thinking of wasting my free time on him. He wants to be stronger than me and my siblings, but everyone knows that goal will be impossible for him to achieve.

Izuna, Suki and I were trained by Madara Uchiha, our father, himself.

All three of us have already awakened the Mangekyou Sharingan. Obito and dad awakened our Mangekyou artificially, so we wouldn't have to murder someone close to us. Mom was against this, but dad was able to convince her. He told her we would only use it if it was really necessary. Mom was afraid we would turn blind pretty quickly. I have only used the Mangekyou once, and I have these eyes now already half a year..

I opened the door to my room, the only place in this hideout where I could be alone. I liked it. Loneliness. Nobody tells you what to do, and nobody can bother you. I can't hear anything besides my own breathing, which is comfortable.

I opened the closet, seeing my cloak hanging. I never put it on. It's annoying and it's only in the way when I am fighting. I played with the necklace, which was around my neck. Dad gave it to me, saying it was passed down through the Uchiha clan. Since the day he gave it to me, I wore it every day, and the necklace in the form of the Uchiha clan crest became precious to me. I took a simple tank top out of the closet and took my shirt off before I pulled the tank top over my head. I made my way to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth. I have no idea how late it was, but I wasn't leaving my room today anymore anyway.

I strode back to my bedroom, and climbed onto the bed, using my arms as pillow after I lay down.

Sasuke's POV.

I kept ignoring Karin as the team and I were leaving the forest behind us. I saw an inn the distance, and decided we were going to stay there until tomorrow morning.

Suigetsu was bragging about his 'bad ass sword' again. Of course, Karin had to piss him off again, by saying something insulting.

I rolled my eyes and Juugo groaned, and came walking next to me. Besides the Cursed Seal, Juugo is the most normal functioning person in my team. Suigetsu and Karin could be so annoying, and they were noisy. I always ignored them.

We entered the inn, and I asked for two rooms. One for Suigetsu, Juugo and me, and one for Karin. The person behind the desk gave me the keys and I didn't even bother to thank her as I handed Karin one of the keys. We had our rooms on the second floor, so we went up the stairs, and walked down the hallway before we arrived. I unlocked the door and turned on the lights. There were two beds, and one couch.

I sat down on the bed and placed my weapons on the nightstand that was standing next to my bed. Suigetsu let his sword lean against the wall, before he plopped down on the couch, letting out a content sigh.

Juugo had taken off his cloak, and was already lying on the bed with his eyes closed. I remained silent, as usual as I lay on my bed too, pulling the covers over me.

Tomorrow I will resume my mission to track down Itachi.

I will kill him for murdering the clan.


Soo, this was the very first chapter.. In the next one, I will introduce all the ocs, and I'll explain some things.

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