Chapter 17.

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Pic of Suki at the side -->

Kaira's POV.

Asuki had explained everything to me after I showed her Itachi's letter. She even told me about his disease. I really felt sorry for him, but he was also betraying my father the whole time by gaining intel for Konoha. So that actually meant that he was betraying me as well. Even though I don't appreciate being betrayed, I will hide his ring. I respected him, and he had taught me a lot, so it was the least I can do.

Sasuke dragged me through the hallways, his hand firmly holding my wrist, and pulled me into his room. As he closed the door behind him, he looked at me with narrowed eyes. "How did you know about Itachi? Who told you?"

I had to lie to him. Itachi was clear when he wrote that he didn't want anyone to know about the letter. "I was sneaking around my father's office, and I read Itachi's file."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at me, like he was figuring out if he could believe me or not. He stepped closer to me as he gritted his teeth. "You're lying! Do you really think that I haven't looked through every paper in Madara's office?" he growled. "There isn't any file of Itachi that contains information about what he was planning to do. Tell me the truth!"

That sneaky bastard... "Fine." I sighed. "Asuki told me about it."

It was partly true.. Itachi told me about the battle, and Asuki about the truth about Itachi.

"This Asuki.." Sasuke mumbled. "I hear her name so many times, yet I don't know who she is."

"She's Itachi's wife." I said. "She knew it all along. about Itachi, but she decided to keep silent about it."

Sasuke gritted his teeth, and I bit my lip. It wasn't hard to guess what Sasuke was thinking now. Itachi was married and he had 2 kids, and Sasuke feels guilty for taking their father and husband away from them. ''Sasuke..''

He looked down, and clenched his fists. Should I show him the letter? I know Itachi doesn't want me to show it to anyone, but he didn't expect his brother to find out the truth, did he? So if Sasuke knows about him now anyway, it wouldn't matter if I showed him or not, right? Maybe I should wait some more. Itachi's death and the truth about him were already painful and saddening enough, I will have to wait some more. It was still hard to accept for me as well.

I looked back at Sasuke. ''Asuki doesn't hold grudges, Sasuke. She knew this would happen and she accepted it, but Rai and Shisui didn't know a single thing of this, and Asuki doesn't want them to know the truth just yet..''

Sasuke nodded and looked away from me. ''Thank you.'' he mumbled.

I was about to say something, if it wasn't for Suki. ''Kaira, Sasuke.. Madara wants to see you two.'' he spoke. I took a quick glance at Sasuke, before nodding and leaving his room. I followed Suki down the hallways, while hearing Sasuke's footsteps behind me. Why did dad want to see me? To send me on a mission? I thought he forbade me to leave the base.. I guess I'd just have to find out.

Suki knocked on the door, and opened it a few seconds later. While walking into the office, I looked at dad. He held the same emotionless gaze as usual, as he looked back at me. Suki closed the door as she left, and Sasuke came standing next to me. ''Why did you call for us?'' he asked.

Dad sighed and sat straight up in his chair. '''Sasuke, you are going to head out tomorrow, to capture the eight-tails.''

''I know.'' Sasuke stated annoyed.

Madara slightly glared at him. ''But.. Kaira will go with you and your team.''

''Huh?'' I frowned at him, taken off guard by his words. Dad raised an eyebrow at me. ''You're going on this mission as well, Kaira.'' he said again.

''But why?'' I grumbled. ''You told me-'' ''You're not going to fight. In fact, you're not going to do anything.'' he said, confusing me only more. ''Just observing.''

''Why can't Suki or Izuna do it?! I thought I wasn't allowed to go outside?''

''Izuna is with Kisame on a mission, and Suki has to stay here with Asuki to take care of Miyu. Now, Kaira, you will go on this mission, but like I said; don't fight. Your injuries may be minor, but if you overdo it again..''

My eyes widened. How did he know about my shoulder? It was just bruised. Dad smirked. ''You think I wouldn't notice? Then you're wrong. I assume you know what you have to do?''

''Yes, father.'' I said, trying my best to hide my annoyance. Dad chuckled. ''And I want to hear about it after your return.''

Clenching my fists, I simply nodded. ''Anything else?''

''No, you may go, and you as well Sasuke, I just wanted to inform you about this.'' Madara said as he grabbed some papers out of his drawer. I didn't waste any time and left the office. I can't believe him! First he forbids me to leave, and now he kinda forced me to leave. I didn't even want to go with Sasuke and his weird comrades on his mission. If I just have to watch the fight, then I might as well stay at the base.

Sasuke's POV.

Kaira was coming along? This could only mean trouble. I think I know Kaira pretty well now, and she would never sit out a fight. I didn't mind her help, I just know she won't get along with Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo. It will take some time, and it will probably cause some trouble. I just hope Kaira will just do what Madara told her to do.

I assume Madara told her to go with me so he could find out of what we were capable of. He doesn't know of all my abilities, and the same goes for Jugo, Karin and Suigetsu. He was only sending Kaira along so she could find out more about us.


So sorry for the long wait, and the short chapter! I just started watching an anime, something I haven't done for some weeks, and I'm already addicted.. I'm almost through it, but I guess it will take a few more days..

Oh, and sorry if it sucked..

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