Chapter 16..

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Pic of Izuna at the side -->

Remember, I messed with the time line in this story, so all the original Akatsuki members are older. I already explained all this in the introduction, but I just say it again in case some people already forgot :)

Sasuke's POV

I was sitting on a huge skeleton just outside the hideout of the Akatsuki. All those memories of Itachi, it's like I could remember them more clearly now. It seemed that Madara was speaking the truth when he told me about Itachi. Kaira seemed to know something of it this as well, and after seeing the look on Madara's face when Obito told him about Kaira, I knew she wasn't supposed to know. She may always have that stoic expression on her face, but when I looked into her eyes, I knew she was upset. Was Kaira that close to my brother? She did defend him the whole time when I asked her about him. I will have to talk to her about this later.

''What are you doing here?'' I heard his voice ask. ''The preparations are already complete.''

I looked down and saw Madara approach me. ''When I gaze upon the full moon. I recall the memories of that night.'' I spoke. ''As well as... the memories I've tried hard to forget.. I can suddenly remember things about Itachi. So now all of those faint and fleeing memories are surfacing from beyond my once locked heart..''

I looked up at the full moon for just a few seconds, thinking back at the night when Itachi massacred our clan. ''He was crying back then..'' I said as I looked back at Madara again. ''I thought I just imagined it.. I couldn't figure out why..''

''It looks like you told me the truth.'' I continued.

''What will you do?'' Madara asked, looking up to me. ''Will you take Itachi's eyes?''

''No.'' I answered. ''The things Itachi wanted to see and the things I'm going to see will be different. I can't do what Itachi wanted me to do.'' I spoke. ''I'll revive the Uchiha in my own way.''

Madara's POV.

When we were all upstairs in the meeting room, Sasuke sat down on one of the chairs.

''Before we start.'' I mumbled. ''I would like to introduce you to..'' I pulled Miyu closer to me, so she wouldn't stand behind me. ''Miyu Uchiha.'' Sasuke narrowed his eyes at her, but Miyu didn't flinch at all and smiled kindly instead. ''Nice to meet you, Sasuke-san.'' she spoke softly. Miyu still looked pale, and I pulled her even closer to me, whispering in her ear. ''You can go back to Asuki now.''

Miyu nodded, and turned around and walked away. I looked back at Sasuke. He didn't need to know what was going on with Miyu. Pointing at my daughter, who was standing on the other side, I said. ''That's Suki, and next to her is Izuna. It seemed you already met Suki, isn't that right?'' I asked lowly, remembering she told me Sasuke had held her captive. He already knew Kisame and Obito, so introducing them wasn't necessary. Sasuke sighed and nodded. ''Yes.''

''Are they both from the Uchiha?'' Suigetsu asked as he pointed at Izuna and Suki.

Wasn't it obvious yet? Izuna looked already a lot like me, and Suki as well. ''Yes.'' I spoke annoyed. ''I'm their father.''

''Where's Kaira?'' Sasuke asked. I raised an eyebrow at him. ''Why do you want to know?''

''No reason.'' he replied. ''Anyway. We, Taka, will destroy Konoha.''

I sighed and sat down on the table. ''You can say it all you want, but how do you plan on accomplishing that?''

''My targets are the Elders. I couldn't care less about anyone else.'' Sasuke said coldly.

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