Chapter 57.

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I'm sorry for being so inactive. I used to update once a week or once every two weeks, but now about a month has already passed. Please remember that I also have a life outside Wattpad and school.

Izuna's POV.

This was one big mess.

The battlefield was huge, and there was chaos everywhere. A lot of people were wounded or out of chakra, and the fight wasn't even close to over. I was getting a lot of looks, and a few had already attempted to kill me.

I wasn't surprised. They knew who I was, and they didn't know I was their ally. They thought that I was still siding with Madara, but that wasn't the case here. I was here for the same reason and them; stopping Madara and end the war with victory.

I hesitated about activating the Sharingan when miniature clones of the Ten-Tails approached us, but I didn't want to scare the people around me. They would immediately assume I was here with bad intentions.

I gritted my teeth and pulled my kanata out of his its holder instead. I had to reach Madara. I had to stop him, but first, I had to get past these monsters. I also had to show the Allied forces that I was on their side.

Since I was already getting suspicious and confused looks from the nearby shinobi, I decided it would be stupid to stand still any longer, and ran at the fissions of the Ten-Tails.

They were easy to beat when fighting them one-on-one, but the problem was that there were a lot of them. Almost too much. Before I was able to cut one of them, there were already standing three others behind me.

It was me versus all of them after all. While the other shinobi worked together, they wouldn't work together with me. Well, I never made it clear that I wanted their help, or that I was at their side. Even though I could defend myself pretty well in this situation, it would be more efficient if we all cooperated.

My katana just pierced the chest of one of the creatures when I heard a scream. It wasn't a loud one, but I could clearly hear it since the owner of the voice was near.

I looked over my shoulder, and saw a girl lying on the ground. Her weapon was taken from her by the fissions and now she was separated from her team, she was helpless. A wound was already inflicted, I noticed her leg bleeding.

She was unable to defend herself.

I didn't think twice about going to help her. I wanted the casualties to stay at minimum after all. This war had no purpose after all, and I also felt partly responsible. The one who started all this was my father and the organisation I belonged to after all.

No more hesitating. At the moment, it didn't matter anymore if people attacked me. For now, I should just eliminate as many as possible. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, my Sharingan was activated.

It was so much easier to read their movements, so no surprise attacks anymore. I grinned as I ran at the girl, taking a few kunai out of my pouch with explosive tags was attached to them. After throwing them, they successfully dug into the thick skin of the monsters. I swiftly put my arm around the girl's waist and picked her up, taking her away from them.

When the distance between us and the creatures was great enough, I did the hand seal and the tags exploded. Most of their bodies were pulverised by the blast, and the remains fell to the ground.

I put her back on the ground, but when her feet touched the ground, she flinched and grabbed onto the sleeve on my attire. She was still hurt.

I gritted my teeth. I didn't have time for this. I had to get going, but I couldn't leave her here. I looked around me, and stepped a bit back when a tall guy was running at us.

''Nii-san..'' the girl whispered.

From the corners of my eyes, I looked at her. ''You'll be fine now?''

The girl glanced up at me, her eyes slightly widened in both surprise and confusion, and she nodded softly. Without waiting any longer, I left her in her brother's care.

Kaira's POV.

No katana, no pouch and no other tools.

It seemed I had to fight with only taijutsu and ninjutsu. Even though Sasuke, and everybody else, told me not to join the way and stay safe, there was no other option for me now.

Everybody who was left at the base died, except for me. Kuri was nowhere to be found, meaning she was also crushed during the collapsion of the hideout. I could hide, and wait for the war to be over, but I couldn't wait that long.

I wanted all of this crap to end now.

I just wanted to live peacefully with the people that are still here. Losing anybody more would crush me. Of course, I'd only fight easy opponents. I wasn't so crazy to go into battle, facing the big guys and risking getting injured. If things were to get too much, I'd retreat.

Izuna's POV.

My eyes narrowed when I saw a familiar face in the distance, and I quickened my pace. He was with the Nine-Tails guy and the girl who was with him the last time I saw them.

When I was close enough to call out to Sasuke, I felt a pair of eyes looking at me, and I stopped and turned around. The man who was watching me was pretty tall. He had a tanned skin and long brown hair. His eyes were dark; black and red.

A Reanimation.

A deep frown appeared on his face''..Madara..?''

I grunted. ''Do not misunderstand, I'm not Madara.''


I turned my head and saw Sasuke look at me. After giving the man one last glance, I ran past him and went to Sasuke.

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