Chapter 18.

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Kaira's POV.

I put on a different shirt, and took my cloak out of the closet after. Since I didn't have to fight, I could just put my cloak on. It's always a pain in the ass during fights. The sleeves are way too long. I prefer just a shirt and a pants that aren't in the way during a battle. I sighed and looked at my katana. Should I take it with me? I never left the base without any weapons before.. No, I will not have to fight anyway, so why bother taking it with me?

Sighing, I left my room and closed the door behind me.

Madara's POV.

''Asuki, is it done already?'' I asked impatiently.

Asuki groaned in annoyance and glared at me. ''It isn't that easy to make a cure of a disease you barely know about, Madara!'' she hissed. ''It will take some more time.''

''Then hurry up!'' I barked. ''You know what will happen if you don-'' ''I know, Madara!'' Asuki interruped me. ''Miyu's my sister! Do you think I want her to die?!"

I growled, glaring at her. ''You know better than to speak to me like that, Asuki.'' I spoke lowly. ''You don't want to anger me...''

Kaira's POV.

I watched Suigetsu as he pushed the man against the fence. We had already arrived in Kumogakure, and were currently seeking the eight-tails. Suigetsu turned his arm into water and his arm and it went through the fence, around the man's neck. ''So... where's the Hachibi? he questioned.

''Don't underestimate our clan!'' the man said, trying to sound tough, but the expression on his face betrayed him. He was obviously nervous and scared. ''I'm not gonna spill anything to the likes of you!''

Suigetsu tightened his arm around his neck and smirked sickly, while the man continued. ''The Yotsuki clan will never betray their comrades! That's be-''

''A frightened mind... will crack.'' Sasuke interrupted him. The man's eyes widened, and Sasuke opened one of his eyes, revealing the Mangekyou Sharingan. The man looked right into his eyes.. not very smart..

''Suigetsu, you can back off now.'' Karin spoke. ''Sasuke used his genjutsu.

Suigetsu sighed. ''Tch, and here I was just about to get started...''

He released the man, who fell to his knees.

''Tell me where the Hachibi is.'' Sasuke demanded, knowing the man would answer his question. He's under Sasuke's genjutsu after all.

''He's training... at... Unraikyou.''

''What are his characteristics?'' Sasuke continued to interrogate him.

''He carried eight swords... and he has a tattoo of ox horns... on his left cheek.'' After the man answered the question, he fell to the ground, his head slamming against the ground.

Sasuke turned around, and shortly glanced at me before walking past me, heading to where the Hachibi is. I sighed. I saw something in his eyes, but I couldn't place my finger on it.... I walked next to Suigetsu, and noticed that Karin was blushing furiously, with a dreamy smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes. I knew Sasuke was goodlooking, and he was pretty strong, but she was taking it a little bit too far..

After a few minutes, we came by a huge stairs, and I saw a man on top of it, going down.. or was it more like he was dancing his way down...? He noticed us and jumped, landing on the ground in front of us.

''Are you the Hachibi Jinchuuriki?'' Sasuke asked.

''Nah, I'm Hachibi-sama, ya heard?'' he rapped. ''Word, it's 'Are you the Jinchuuriki-sama?'''

What was up with this guy?

''I'm here to capture you.'' Sasuke continued.

''Nah, ya gotta be like, 'I'm here to capture your greatness, aight?'''

''Suigetsu, take my right.'' Sasuke said, completely ignoring what the Jinchuuriki said just a minute ago. ''Juugo left. Karin watch my back.''

''Oh... so that's how you roll.'' the Jinchuuriki mumbled. I went a bit to the sideline, away from Sasuke and his team. Just when I turned around, I saw Suigetsu already running at the guy, while drawing his sword. The Jinchuuriki began to rap, while Sasuke began to make his move as well. Suigetsu brought his sword down, on the Jinchuuriki.

''Akatsuki told us not to kill the Jinchuuriki, Suigetsu.'' Juugo reminded him.

''It's okay. I can still feel his chakra.'' Karin said.

When the dust from Suigetsu's attack began to lie down, I narrowed my eyes. The Jinchuuriki had stopped his sword with his bare hands? Suigetsu growled and pushed harder, but it was no use. He tossed Suigetsu's sword away, like it was nothing and it landed right in front of him. Juugo told Suigetsu to fall back, and he stepped forwards himself. The Jinchuuriki was looking through the hole in Suigetsu's sword, still rapping. Was he a little kid?

I frowned when he put his head through the hole and began spinning the sword.(A/N: I don't really know how to describe it..) What the hell was he doing? The handle of the sword hit Juugo's head when he tried to get close, and he looked really pissed after that.. He half transformed into some kind of monster and pulled the sword off the Jinchuuriki's head, but he got kicked, and fell to the ground. Juugo was down, just after taking one hit?

The man began to rap again, and grabbed Juugo's collar, picking him up, and he threw him on the ground in front of him.

''Leave him to me.'' Sasuke said.

''Who the hell are you, ya dumbass phony?''

''Is this guy just screwing with us, or is this really him?!'' Suigetsu growled, clearly annoying by his behaviour. I had to agree with him. It began to annoy me as well.

''Who you be, and why you tryin' to capture me?'' The Hachibia asked.

Jeez, did this guy ever learn to speak proper English?

''There's no point in explaining it to you.'' Sasuke replied.

''How did we get stuck with this weirdo and his crappy rhymes?'' Suigetsu grumbled. ''What a pain..''

''We're doing this to attain power using the fastest methods available.'' Sasuke spoke. ''If you've got a problem, leave.'' he told Suigetsu. ''I want to confirm for myself if whether all that talk from earlier was true or not.'' Sasuke grabbed his katana. ''Either way, we'll be the ones using the Akatsuki. Get that through your heads.''

I narrowed my eyes at him. Using.. the Akatsuki? Tch. Dad warned him. If he betrays Madara, he'll have a problem. He can barely defeat me, we're equal, but there's no way he can beat the whole Akatsuki.

If he shows any sign of making a move I do not like, I'll make himm realize we're not someone to screw with..


So sory for the long wait! It's just that I'm not doing very well on school and I have to pay more attention or else I must go to a different class. Not only that, I'm thinking of writing anther fanfiction, and I can't stop thinking about it. I just have so many ideas.. I'll try to update some more, since it's already going better at school, so I guess I will update the next chapter within a week.

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