Chapter 26.

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Whole chapter in Izuna's POV.

Izuna's POV.

My eyes shot open, and I sat up on my bed, my fists gripping the sheets tightly. Panting, I closed my eyes while gritting my teeth, trying to calm my breathing. I ran a hand through my hair, and let myself fall back onto my bed.

I had that nightmare.. again.

I am already having the same nightmare since I was just a kid, but I haven't dreamt of it the last few weeks..  Everytime, the same things happened. I always thought I wouldn't be afraid anymore after seeing the same things again and again, but it only became more realistic. My nightmare seemed so real, like it actually happened.

I covered my eyes with my arm and let out a soft sigh. Even though it was just a dream, I was still scared. The man I saw in my dream.. He hurt everyone, he murdered some of us, but only few in a cruel way. He let them suffer, letting them wait for their deaths, not killing them instantly. Blood was spilled and lay all over the place.

Normally, I wouldn't be afraid this fast, but seeing how some of your own family are being killed.. It's frightening..

I moved my arm a bit away from my eyes to stare at the ceiling. A weak ray of light shone through the curtains into my room, signaling it was already morning. Deciding it was time to get up, I got off the bed and changed into other clothes before I left my room. When I arrived in the kitchen, I saw Shisui and Suki sitting there. I frowned at Shisui, he was almost always together with Rai, his younger brother, especially after Itachi died. Shisui noticed me looking at him and let out a sigh. ''He's on a mission with Kuri.'' he murmured like he could read my thoughts. I nodded and sat down next to Suki.

''Have you seen Kaira?'' I asked, wondering if Sasuke was speaking the truth when he said he knew where she was. I hoped he found her yesterday. My sister is very good in acting before thinking. I could hear her yells in the living room. Kaira was lucky I was the only oen close enough to hear her. I don't know what dad would have done if he heard her.

''She's at the training grounds.'' Suki replied. ''With Sasuke.''

I glanced at Suki. ''With Sasuke?''

Suki nodded and took another bite of her sandwich. ''I don't know why either.'' she spoke with a mouth full. ''Remember they already knew each other before Sasuke and the others came here.''

''But they weren't exactly friends back then.'' I mumbled.

Suki shrugged. ''Who cares?''

After breakfast, I decided to go to Kaira, just to talk to her about yesterday. When I arrived a the training grounds, I saw Kaira and Sasuke sitting on the ground. They seemed to be talking about something. Something unpleasant. Kaira was looking down at her lap as she nodded slowly at something that Sasuke said.

Sasuke noticed me, and nudged Kaira, who looked up as well. I saw her saying something to Sasuke before she stood up, and ran at me. A few seconds later, Kaira stood in front of me. ''Izuna.'' she breathed, stil catching her breath from running and the earlier training. ''Do you need something?''

''About yesterday..'' I began, and Kaira looked away from me. ''I know you don't like it, of course you don't like it. Nobody likes it, but you had to know what was coming. Mom also told me and Suki..'' I trailed off as memories flowed back into my mind. After I heard Kaira yell yesterday, I went to the library, and saw mom sitting at one of the tables. An expression of pain and depression was shown on her face. She told me everything that she told Kaira. Even though mom may have accepted what's coming, she still didn't like it. She didn't want to die, she didn't want to leave all of us, and that was something Kaira didn't understand.

''I want you to talk to mom about it.'' I said, and Kaira turned her gaze towards me. ''But-'' ''I don't know what Sasuke and you were talking about, but I was able to tell it was about the same subject.''

Kaira bit her lip and nodded. ''I'll talk to her.'' she muttered quietly. I smiled and pulled her into an embrace, something Kaira didn't expect me to. She stiffened, and I ruffled her hair. ''It'll be fine. We haven't given up yet.''

Mom hasn't given up either. She just thought that there was no way to cure her completely, and maybe that's true, I don't know. Nobody knows. Asuki is maybe not good enough, but we can't go to a village and ask them to cure a criminal. And if they do, they will throw mom into jail after. Mom would rather die than let that happen. She told me that herself.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt Kaira wrap her arms around my neck. ''Thank you, Izuna..'' she murmured into my shirt. I wasn't sure why she was thanking me, but I couldn't say I didn't like it. Kaira rarely showed gratitude, even though she could be a kind person once you get to know her. Don't judge a book by its cover, that's the best way to describe her..

When I let go of her, Kaira turned around and waved at Sasuke, motioning for him to come here. When she looked back at me, she let out a sigh. '''Where is she?''' she asked, referring to mom.

''I think in her room..'' I answered slowly, not sure if she was actually there. ''But I'll be going now. I still want to go on a mission.''

Kaira nodded and I turned around and walked away, towards dad's office. It wasn's far away from the training grounds. The base seemed bigger now than ever. Maybe that was because many members are dead now, so there are more empty rooms, and less people during dinner. I grew up with all the Akatsuki member. I can still remember Hidan and Kakuzu arguing, Sasori taking dead people here to make puppets of them, and Konan acting like a second mother. But they were all dead now..

I knocked on the door to dad's office, and came in after I heard his reply. I walked into the room, and he looked up from his paperwork. ''Izuna.''

I grinned as I walked at him, placing my hands on his desk once I stood in front of it. ''Do you still have any missions left?''

''You just got back from one.'' Dad muttered as he grabbed a paper. ''But if you want to go on one, choose one.'' he told me as he handed me the sheet. I looked at it, and grunted when I saw that Kuri and Shisui had taken the mission I wanted to go on. I already saw this one the previous time I went on a mission, but I chose the other one, and told myself I would pick this one the next time, but those little brats beat me to it. Sighing, I pointed at a mission while showing dad which one I chose.

''Just a simple one, huh?'' he chuckled as he took the paper back. ''Stealing a scroll from Suna..''

Dad wrote something down on the paper before he opened a drawer and took out another sheet of paper with all the information about the scroll and handed it to me. ''Good luck.'' he spoke and I smirked. ''I see you later.'' I said as I left the office.

After I changed into different clothes, ones more fit for going on a mission, I took my katana and some other small weapons, like shuriken and kunais.

When I was done, I left the base, and starting heading to Sunagakure.


I will update slower because I want to start writing a new story. Actually three, but then I will be unable to keep updating all of them, so I start with one. I just finished the first chapter, but I won't publish it yet. I first want to write the first few chapters slowly, it's easier for me to keep updating the two stories I'm busy with now. I am already slow with updating already.. If you're interested, it's a Sting Eucliffe love story. He's a guy from Fairy Tail. If you haven't watched that anime yet, you really should do it. It's the best anime I've watched till now :)

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