Chapter 9. Confusion.

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Kaira's POV.

''Only use this jutsu when absolutely necessary.''

''Why did you teach me this jutsu?''

Itachi ruffled my hair and walked past me. ''Maybe it can come in handy in the future..''

Madara's POV.

''He's dead?''

Izuna nodded. ''Yeah, he was killed the same way as the other spies, so I assumed they are killed by the same person.''

I pursed my lips. Nobody had ever been able to kill this many spies in such a short time. They are hard to locate, but this person must be good. Juro was already staying in a dangerous territory, where many of our enemies were. I wanted him to get some information about them, but now Juro's dead.. I think Izuna is right. The spies must have been killed by the same person. All the three had a deep gash across the chest, and that couldn't be a coincidence. But who would do that? I would assume that Tenko did it, but there are more enemies out there, and Tenko hasn't made a move in almost 17 years.

He had seriously injured Miyu, he had held Asuki captive for many years. I want to keep my family safe. I know Tenko is stronger than Miyu and the kids.. Even though I haven't heard a thing from Tenko in many years, we can better be safe than sorry.

''Izuna, tell your mother I want to see her, there are some things we need to discuss.''

Izuna nodded and left my office.

I sighed and leaned back into my chair. We had to be more careful. If this person was able to locate my spies so easily, he might attack one of the members too. We have already lost three members, it would be hard to catch the tailed beasts if there was nobody left in this organization.

The door opened and Miyu closed it behind her. She smiled weakly at me, and my eyes narrowed. ''What's wrong?''

''Nothing.'' Miyu whispered. She has always been bad at lying, but I decided to ask her about it later.

''Juro is dead.''

''He is?!''

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair. ''I don't know who did it, but he is killed the same way as the other two spies who were killed this month.''

''What do we do now? Find the one who did it and kill him?''

''It'll be hard to find this person. He doesn't leave any tracks, and he can be everywhere. The Shinobi World is big. Where should we begin?''

Miyu sighed and sat down on the desk. ''Where was Juro on his last mission?''

''Otogakure. Why do you want to know?''

''Where were the other two spies?''

''Takigakure and Yugakure.'' I answered.

''Those villages are close to each other if you look on the map, and they are also close to the mountain's graveyard, where we are now. This person could figure out we are here since the spies were in the three villages around this hideout..'' Miyu spoke.

I grimaced and rubbed my temples. ''The culprit can't be that smart.''

Miyu sighed annoyed and glared at me. ''Madara, this person killed three of our spies within a month. They had aliases and nobody but us knew their real identity, and intentions. How did that person know where the spies were and who they were? This person is smart if he managed to get that information.''

I hate it when she's right.. ''Fine, send Obito to me.''

Miyu glared at me playfully and jumped off my desk. ''Hai, Madara-sama.'' she mocked.

I rolled my eyes at her and smirked before she left my office.

Kaira's POV.

I easily dodged the kunai Obito threw, and took one out of my pouch myself. Obito and I had already been training for a few minutes. I was almost always training when I was at the hideout. There wasn't really anything else I could do, and I liked training anyway. It's better than sitting around doing nothing.

I was about to throw the kunai, but stopped my movements when I saw mom walking at us. She still looked a bit pale and she forced a smile. ''Obito-san, Madara wishes to see you.'' she spoke softly.

Obito sighed and I pursed my lips and put my kunai back in my pouch. I waved at Obito before he left the room and turned my gaze towards mom. ''You okay?''

She nodded and ran a hand through her hair. ''I'm just not feeling so well, that's all..''

Of course she was lying again.. It was just so clearly when mom lies. Everyone can see whenever she isn't speaking the truth. She did look sick, but I had a feeling there was more, but why didn't she just tell us?

''Kaira, you have been training the whole day, just rest for once, before you overdo it.''

I sighed and shook my head. ''I'm fine.''

''You're so stubborn... just like your father..'' she mumbled, and I smirked in response. ''Anyway, I still have some things to take care off.''

I nodded at her and mom left too. I couldn't stop training. I needed to become stronger. I needed to become stronger than Sasuke. We were equal, but I lied to him and acted like I was stronger, just so he would be more careful, at least that is what I wanted him to do. I actually didn't really know who was stronger, but I knew Sasuke was holding back the first time we met, just like I did. Last time we met, we only talked.. I don't know what do to anymore. He is an enemy, but the Akatsuki has been holding secrets. I didn't know Itachi killed a big part of my own clan until Sasuke told me. There had to be a reason that nobody every told me or my siblings about it, so I decided to ask Sasuke.

But I'm confused. I want to fight him, just to test myself, but at the same time, I didn't want to. Sasuke is and stays a clan member, even though he's alone with his team, and not with the remaining Uchiha. I always ran away when that noisy woman would run at us. It was best for me not to be seen by others. I know I always go to the village to get food. I never disguise myself, but as long as I didn't activate my Sharingan, I would be fine. I wasn't allowed to go far away from the hideout for some stupid reasons. I can take care of myself! I have gone far away so many times and came back unharmed. Just because there's a creep somewhere doesn't mean I will encounter him every time I leave the hideout. I still hide myself some times, like when that weirdo came when I was about to talk to Sasuke. Such people are a pain in the ass, like Kuri. She's so annoying and hyper. She's always talking while I prefer silence. I avoid her as much as possible, just like I avoid Shisui and Rai. They are all so childish, and I hate that kind f people..

Miyu's POV.

I quickly washed my hands from the red liquid and wiped my tears. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but I'm not sure anymore. This was already the third time today and I'm beginning to get very dizzy, and feel weak almost all the time.

What Manami, my mother, wrote in her diary, just a few weeks before she died, I felt exactly the same way as she did back then. I never knew it was hereditary.. What if my own children have this disease too?

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