Chapter 8. Hesitation.*

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No matter how many times I changed things in this chapter, it still sucks, so sorry for that.

Kaira's POV.

''Where is Konan?''

''She's with Pein in Amegakure.'' Mom anwsered. ''They need to lead the village, why did you ask?''

I let out a sigh and rubbed my temples annoyed. ''I'm bored, and Izuna and Suki are both on a mission and Obito and Itachi aren't here either and dad is busy.'' I replied. I didn't like to train by myself, and all the people I usually train with aren't here or don't have time right now.

Mom sighed and dropped a plate in the sink and dried her hands with a towel. ''Then will you do some groceries for me? I'm not feeling very well, and I still have other things to do.''

I took a better look at her and noticed the tired look in her eyes, and her face was paler than usual, but why did she ask me? There are people in the base who would do it happily for her.

''Why me? Why don't you ask Kuri?''

Mom rolled her eyes. ''Kuri did do that for me already last week, and since you are bored anyway, why don't you just do it?''

''Fine.'' I grumbled. ''What do you need?''

Izuna's POV.

I let go of his wrist and his arm dropped to the ground, and kept lying there motionless. The gash in his chest was huge, but his blood wasn't dry, so he must have been killed today. Juro was already the third spy who has been killed this month, and I have seen the body of one of them. That spy has cut deeply across the chest too, just like Juro now. This couldn't be a coincidence. Someone is slaughtering our spies, but why? Why didn't he attack the members of Akatsuki, the ones left that is. Hidan and Kakuzu were killed by Konoha ninjas, and Sasori by his own grandmother.

I stood up and looked down at the corpse. It was a nasty sight. Blood was all over the place, and Juro's eyes were wide open. I gazed around the room, looking for things I could take back to the base, and took all the money and some of Juro's belongings before I left the small hideout where Juro always stayed at and made my way back home.

Sasuke's POV.

I opened my eyes, and immediately noticed that I was alone the room. I remembered what happened just before I went to sleep. Juugo was angry, and the Cursed Seal had activated. But where are they now? Probably looking around the town or something. I pulled the blanket off me, and carefully stood up. The pain was less, but it was still there. Kaira really was a bad healer, but even though Karin healed me as well, I still felt some pain. I chuckled slightly and let out a sigh and got changed.  I left the inn we had been staying at and just walked through the town.

I looked at the many shops, but froze when I saw a familiar person. What was she doing here? I got the feeling she was stalking me. Everywhere I went, she was there too! But this was my chance to get some answers. I waited until Kaira left the shop and she sealed the bags with food inside a scroll, probably because it would be easier to carry, and she walked towards the entrance of the village. I followed her. Confronting her in the middle of the town wouldn't be such a great idea.

Kaira left the town, and walked into the woods. I smirked, but froze when I heard her voice. ''I know you have been following me, Sasuke, you can come out now.''

I grunted and appeared in front of her. She looked rather annoyed, but I shrugged it off. I wanted to know everything. She was very skilled, and she didn't have a head protector, so she didn't belong to any ninja village, while she obviously was a ninja. Then I would think she belongs to the Akatsuki.. And since she is an Uchiha, it made sense too. The only Uchihas left, were Itachi, Madara and I, and Madara and Itachi are in the Akatsuki.

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