Chapter 2. The Meeting.*

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Madara's POV.

Kaira was progressing fast. She was the one who took her training most serious after all. I wouldn't hesitate to say that Kaira was catching up with Izuna, who was the strongest at first. Suki is just a level lower than Kaira, but Suki was more like her mother. Asuki was teaching her medical jutsu, while Miyu was teaching her ice techniques. Miyu was the only one who could learn Suki those techniques, since she was the only one who had ice release besides Asuki, but Asuki rarely fights, she is more like the healer of Akatsuki

I sighed and let them be. I don't need to supervise them anymore when they are training, they can train perfectly fine without me. I only am there when I am about to teach them something new.

I left the training grounds and decided to go back to my office to finish the paperwork I still needed to do. I actually wanted to send Miyu on a mission with Izuna, but since Miyu is currently buying groceries with Yuki and Konan, I have to wait. Izuna knows the most powerful fire techniques, and since Miyu is from the Yuki clan, thus she has ice release, they make perfect partners for a mission, but I wanted to hold a meeting first.he

On my way to my office, a door opened and Deidara came out of his room, his smile dropped when he saw me. After sixteen years of being married to his twin sister, he still dislikes me. Not that I minded, I didn't like him either.

''Madara-sama, un.'' he grumbled sarcastically.


He grunted and I smirked. He really hates my nickname for him, but I thought if fitted him. He quickly walked away, and I opened the door to my office, to prepare the meeting.

Kaira's POV.

Dad had planned a meeting, and we were waiting for Itachi and Kisame. I got to be with these meetings since Sasori, Hidan and Kakuzu are dead. Those pathetic pawns died so easily. Except for Sasori. We spent much time together. He was one of the only people who could really understand me, but his conversations with Deidara about their so called 'art' bothered me. Anyway, Hidan and Kakuzu were both a pain in the ass, so their deaths pleased me.

Everyone who was here, except for dad, mom, Deidara, Tobi and I were some sort of hologram. They used the Magic Latern Body Technique to be here.

I sighed in irritation and began to play with the ring around my left middle finger. It actually belonged to Kakuzu, he he's dead now, so I got the ring now. Obito took Sasori's ring when he died, mom took Hidan's and I took Kakuzu's, and I shared this ring with Izuna. I was told that Obito was supposed to take over dad's disguise he was using back in the day, but since that disguise,  AKA Tobi,  was blown,  there was no use in using the same disguise again because everyone already knew Tobi. But Obito does wear a mask though. One with black and white, but he acts as himself.

Dad sighed when the two holograms finally appeared. ''You're late.'' he grumbled.

''We just finished hunting the Jinchuriki.'' Kisame defended himself. ''We're late because we had to bind them so he wouldn't escape. So, why are we being summoned?''

Everyone's eyes were turned to Madara, waiting for him to answer Kisame's question. ''There is some information I want to share with you right away.''

''Orochimaru has been killed.'' dad announced. I had only heard of this man. He had already left the Akatsuki before I was born.

Kisame chuckled wickedly, and I frowned at him. ''After leaving Akatsuki many years ago, his death finally came to him, eh? I wanted to see how he died, and I also wanted to see how the Zombie Twins died.''

Dad glared at him, his Sharingan eyes dangerously narrowed. ''Hidan and Kakuzu were still with us. Watch your tongue.''

''Sorry.'' Kisame apologized. ''So the ones who killed Hidan's team back then were..'' ''They were people from Konoha.'' Zetsu finished Kisame's sentence. ''It was Kakashi and the Kyuubi Jinchuriki's platoon.''

''That platoon is strong, isn't it?'' Obito  questioned. ''They beat up Deidara pretty badly." Obito's facial expression stayed emotionless,  but I knew he was enjoying Deidara's growing anger.

Deidara glared daggers at Obito, and growled lowly. Obit just simply ignored him, and Kisame decided to speak up again. ''How will we catch the remaining Jinchuriki like that?'' Dad sighed and Kisame continued. ''Anyway, whoever killed Orochimaru must have been something else. Who was it?''

''It was Uchiha Sasuke.'' Madara spoke as he looked towards Itachi. I frowned at him. Why did dad look at him when he mentioned that name?

''I was supposed to be the one to beat Orochimaru up, yeah!'' Deidara shouted. Mom rolled her eyes at him. Deidara was such a moron, I still can't believe he is supposed to be my uncle. He is so dumb..

''Impressive, nothing less from Uchiha Itachi's little brother.'' Kisame commented. So that was why dad was looking at him. I didn't even know Itachi had a brother. He never even talked about his brother.

''He's currently going around gathering companions. Moreover, they're troublesome shinobi.'' Zetsu spoke up.

''Which means?'' Kisame asked. I glared at him. He was almost too talkative today. Madara looked at Kisame. ''You should know one of them. Kirigakure's Hozuki brothers. He is one of them.

''Suigetsu, huh? That takes me back.'' Kisame muttered.

''Juugo of the Scales is with him, as well.'' Dad informed us. ''You need to stay alert. Itachi, Kisame, he'll most likely be targeting you.''

I raised an eyebrow. Why would this 'Sasuke' want to kill his own brother?

''Everyone else, remember what I have told you about Uchiha Sasuke. If they learn too much about Itachi and Kisame, they may target the Akatsuki.'' Dad warned them.

''Kisame, what kind of guy is he, that Suigetsu, hm?'' Deidara asked. I bet he wanted to know if this 'Suigetsu' was worth his lame explosions.

Kisame looked up to him. ''It was ten years ago. I once came back to Kiri, during a mission. He was a kid with a cute face and was always smiling. He was a prodigy who was called the second coming of the Demon Zabuza..''

''They sound like an interesting group, un.'' Deidara smirked. Mom glared at him, and put her hands on her hips. ''Dei, you shouldn't get involved!''

Obito nodded, and Deidara opened his mouth to say something again, but dad was earlier. ''Before that, Itachi and Kisame, hurry up and bring the Yonbi here. We're going to seal him, along with the Sanbi.

''Understood.'' Itachi said with his usual monotone voice. Their holograms disappeared, just like mine.

I opened my eyes, and looked around my room. I sighed and got off my bed. That meeting was shorter than usual, but oh well..  ''How was it?''

I didn't even have to turn around to know who it was. ''Like usual.'' I spoke as I pulled the ring off my finger. Izuna grinned and I turned around and gave him the ring. I would be there with the meetings, but Izuna would help with the extraction of the tailed beasts.

He left my room and I followed him silently. We walked a while together, until he took a turn to the left, to his room. I sighed and walked further, intending to go to the entrance of the base. I did the hand sign to let the boulder move aside, but before I could leave, a hand grabbed my arm. ''Do not go too far, Kaira.''

I sighed and turned around. ''Father..''

''We sent Suki, Izuna and you on only assassination missions for a reason. So people won't notice you, nobody knows of you and that has to stay that way.'' he spoke. I closed my eyes and nodded. ''I understand.''

''Tenko almost killed your mother once, and he will most likely be after you and your siblings too. So like I told you, do not go to far away from here. This man is still walking around somewhere''

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