Chapter 48. Confession.

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Asuki's POV.

I tried to comfort Kaira as best I could, but I didn't really know how. I could say 'everything will be alright', but wouldn't that be a lie? Kaira was clearly upset, not knowing what to do. I couldn't blame her. Pregnant at the age of 18. I'd be feeling insecure as well if that were to happen to me.

She still had her whole life in front of her, but now she probably couldn't even imagine her future anymore. She wasn't ready for this. Not at all.

I pursed my lips as I held Kaira tighter against me. If only I could help her somehow, but what could I do? Kaira had to choose herself what to do. I couldn't make that decision for her. Even though she'd killed people before, will she be able to undergo an abortion and make an end to the life of her own child?

She's lucky that we found out early. If we discovered that she was pregnant weeks later, she would have less time to think about what to do with the child.

''Do you want me to get someone for you?'' I asked, breaking the silence. ''Miyu for example?''


Izuna's POV.

I let out a deep sigh as I let myself fall on the couch. I was tired. Training with mom was more exhausting that I thought it would be. She was also harder on me that I imagined she'd be. If I''d only get the hang of Ice Release...

''Izuna.'' I looked to my right and saw Asuki standing in the doorway. ''Do you have a moment?'' Her voice was soft as she the words hesitantly left her mouth.

I narrowed my eyes. ''Is it Kaira?''

Asuki nodded. ''She's now in her room, bu-''

I didn't listen any longer. Getting up from the couch, I hastily left the living room. I still didn't know what was wrong with Kaira, but Asuki looked pretty serious. I was glad Kaira's room wasn't far away, so I came there already soon after I left. Without taking the effort to knock on the door, I quickly opened it.

Kaira was lying on her bed, her back turned to me. Her shoulders slightly were shaking, indicating that she was crying. I was surprised. When was the last time she cried? Kaira mostly hid her pain and sadness, unless it became too much. But what was the reason this time?

I closed the door behind me and walked at her. At first slowly, but as I neared the bed my pace increased and before I knew it I sat on the edge. Placing my hand on her shoulder, I turned her around. Now lying on her back, Kaira continued to shake. Her eyes and cheeks were red and tears leaked from her eyes as she gritted her teeth.

Upon seeing me, she put her arm over her eyes and bit her lip. Now incredibly worried, I grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm away from her face. I held her shoulder tightly and pulled her up.

She leaned her head against my shoulder as she gripped my shirt tightly in her hands. This was the first time I've seen her so desperate, so helpless, and it made my chest tighten.

I put my arm around her waist to support her more. "Will you tell me what's wrong?" I asked carefully.

Kaira's grip on my shirt tightened. "..I." She began almost inaudible. "P-Promise me that you won't be mad."

I smiled and rubbed her back comfortingly. "I promise."

There was a short silence, and Kaira buried her face in my shoulder.

"I'm pregnant."

My eyes widened, and my body froze. Kaira clearly sensed this and squeezed my arm, not having the guts to look up to me, to look me in the eyes. This was too much too comprehend. Kaira was pregnant? With what I assumed what Sasuke's child?

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