Chapter 10. Secrets.

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So sorry for the long wait, but I was so busy. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Sasuke's POV.

I should have taken her with me. Kaira would have been a great addition to my team. And she knows where Itachi is. Why the Hell did I let her go so easily?! I feel so stupid. She gets away every time, she just waits for the right time. Kaira was so full of herself. Like she could kick everyone's ass.

Her overconfidence will be her downfall one day. 

Kaira's POV.

I smelled cigarette smoke and rolled my eyes. Was he at it again? Mom and Dad told him so many times that he should smoke outside, not inside! Even though Izuna doesn't smoke that often, it's still bothersome if he does is in the living room. I glared at Izuna after I walked into the room. He was sitting next to Shisui.

Of course Shisui was asking Izuna if he could have one too. The dumb kid doesn't even realize it's bad for him. He just wants to look tough. He was just 13 years old. I know there are even younger kids out there that smoke, but I still think Shisui's too young to smoke. Izuna, Suki and I would turn 17 in three months.

''No, Shisui.'' Izuna grunted, obviously annoyed.

''Why not?'' Shisui whined.

Izuna sighed and stubbed the cigarette out in the ashtray until it stopped smoking. ''Your mom will kill me.'' he muttered as he stood up. He turned around and a smirk was played on his lips when he saw me. ''Want to spar?''

He always knew what I wanted. I chuckled and nodded. Izuna ignored Shisui as he asked if he wanted to fight him too and walked towards me. ''You know you can't win from me..''

I glared at him and scoffed. ''We'll see about that.''

I followed Izuna through the hallways. He was always so full of himself. I have to admit I never won if I had to fight him, but I will one day. I can't stand it anymore to see him smirk at me every time he beats me.

''Izuna, Kaira?''

We both stopped and turned around. Mom was looking at us with a weak smile. She still didn't look so well. ''Have you two seen Suki?''

''No.'' I replied. ''I guess she is somewhere with Kuri, or maybe on a mission?''

Mom pursed her lips and nodded. ''Okay then..'' she murmured. ''If you see her, will you tell Suki that I am looking for her?''

''We will, mom.'' Izuna said. She smiled and sighed softly. ''Alright then, are you two going to train?'' mom questioned.

''Yeah.'' Izuna grinned at me and I grunted. He is so overestimating himself. Izuna thinks he is the best, and that really annoys me. Only dad and mom can show him his place, but I really wants to prove that Izuna isn't as good as he thinks.

''Be careful.'' Mom whispered before she walked away. Izuna and I looked at each other. Mom was acting a bit strange lately. She was almost always smiling, she was always cheerful, but now I could see she was forcing her smile. It wasn't a genuine one.

Madara's POV.

I entered the kitchen, and my gaze landed on my wife. She looked uncomfortable as she was cooking. Kisame and Barbie were playing poker, and Sasori sat at the table, working on one of his puppets. I slowly walked at Miyu, but she didn't even notice me until I wrapped one arm around her waist.. Miyu stiffened and gasped softly. She looked over her shoulder and her gaze softened when she saw me. ''Madara.''   ''Is something wrong?'' I asked suspiciously.   Miyu swallowed thickly and looked down to the food. ''Can we talk about this after supper?'' she asked quietly.   I placed my hands on her shoulders and turned her around so she was fully facing me. ''What's going on?''   ''Madara.. please..'' she looked like she was about to cry, and my chest tightened and I pulled here into an embrace. ''Fine, after supper.''   Miyu wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my chest. I rubbed her back, questioning myself why she was acting like this. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard her sobbing softly, wetting my shirt. I clenched my jaw and tightened the hug.   ''Dad, what's wrong with mom?''   I looked at Izuna as I stroked Miyu's hair. ''It's nothing, go find your sisters, supper is almost ready.''   Kaira's POV.   Mom was poking her food, while the rest of us were eating it. What was wrong with her? I knew she hasn't been feeling well, but I had a feeling that wasn't all.   ''Miyu, aren't you going to eat.'' Dad spoke as he glanced at mom. Mom shrugged and looked down to her food. ''I'm not so hungry..'' she whispered.   ''Are you alright, mom.'' Suki asked, looking concerned.   Mom forced that smile again. ''I'm fine.. just a bit dizzy.'' She was lying. Partly lying. Mom was so easily to read, and she was so bad at lying. Even a small kid wouldn't believe her.   We all looked up when Mom stood up. Dad's eyes narrowed and he took a sip of his drink. ''Where are you going, Miyu?''   ''Outside.. I just need some fresh air.'' she mumbled before she left the room, leaving us all clueless.   Dad sighed and stood up. ''I'll talk to her.''   Dad left the room too and I turned my gaze to Suki. ''Where were you. Mom was looking for you.''   Suki smiled and swallowed her food before she began to talk. ''I was in Konoha.''   But Izuna and my eyes widened and we glared at our younger sister. ''Suki, what were you doing there?!'' Izuna exclaimed.   Suki rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest. ''Don't worry, I was disguised.''   ''Why would you go there?'' I growled. ''You know very well that Dad told us not to go there!''   ''I just had to!'' Suki defended himself. ''I just needed to see him!''   ''Needed to see who?'' Izuna asked annoyed.   ''Kiba.'' she whispered.   I wanted to slam my head against the table, but I was able to restrain myself. I groaned and grit my teeth. ''That 'cute' boy you were talking about a week ago?'' I hissed through clenched teeth.   Suki giggled nervously and nodded. ''Yes..''   ''Are you stupid?! They could throw you into jail if they found out who you were! And how did you even get inside? There is security.'' Izuna exclaimed.   ''Lame security if you ask me. I easily slipped into the village, it was no big deal.''   ''Dad will be pissed once he finds out.'' I muttered.   Suki grinned and hugged Izuna around his waist, putting up her best puppy eyes. ''And that is why you two are the best siblings in the world and tell nobody that I went there.''

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