Chapter 31.

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Kaira's POV

I held Izuna's hand tightly as I looked at his face. His eyes were still closed. I knew Izuna was going to get better, but seeing him like this.. I just didn't understand. How could Izuna be beaten like this? Just because of the poison?

Suki left after out argument half an hour ago. I understood that she wanted to leave. It was al too much for Suki, but she couldn't be reckless. If she gets caught, it doesn't only bring her in danger, but us as well. She'll be interrogated, and since we don't know what they'll do to her, it might be possible hat Suki will betray us. She is easy to break, so it won't take long until they get answers. I knew Suki would try to be strong, but they will force the answers to their questions out of her anyway.

I looked up when Izuna stirred, and my eyes widened for a moment. Was he going to wake up? Squeezing his hand, I stood up, looking down at him. When his eyes slowly fluttered open, I felt Izuna squeeze back, and smiled softly.

He looked at me, grinning like nothing had ever happened. I bit my lip, and sat down again. ''I hate you.'' I whispered, putting his hand against my forehead. ''For making me worry like that.''

''Love you too, my dear sister.'' I could hear the playfulness in his voice. He hadn't changed at all. That jerk. Couldn't he be serious for once. He could have died! ''How long was I out?''

I put his hand back on the bed, not letting go of it. It was warm. ''Just one day.'' I muttered. ''How are you feeling?''

Izuna pursed his lips as he looked at the ceiling. ''I feel a bit sick, and my body feels numb.''

''Because of the medicine I guess.'' I said as I stood up again. ''I'm going to get mom and tell her you've woken up. I think she's still awake by now.''

I looked down at Izuna when he tightened his fingers around my hand just when I was about to let go. ''What time is it then?''

''Around midnight..'' I answered dubitable.

Izuna frowned at me, before trying to get up, but I pushed him back when he flinched in pain. ''You idiot, you can't get up yet! Rest for a bit first.''

Izuna sighed and put his head back on the pillow again, blowing a strand of his hair out of his face. ''Can I at least go to my own room? I don't want to be in the infirmary any longer.''

I sighed and my gaze softened. ''I'll get mom and we'll whether you have to stay or not.''

''Don't.'' Izuna said. ''Mom's possible already asleep. She isn't awake this late lately, because of her situation. I'll stay here tonight, and talk to mom tomorrow. You get some rest too.''

I nodded and waved shortly at my brother before I left. How could he act so carefree after what happened. Wasn't he taking this seriously? Izuna has always been like that. He's pretty intelligent, yet he could be so dense sometimes.

When I was about to pass the kitchen, I decided to get a drink before I would head to bed. I filled a glass with water and sat down at the table. I took a sip and put the glass down, but looked up when I hears footsteps nearing. I didn't think others would still be awake. Was it dad? He often worked till late in the night.

I was slightly surprised when I saw Suigetsu and Sasuke walk into the room. The corners of Sasuke's lips tugged up in an almost unnoticeable smile when he saw me. Suigetsu grinned widely, showing his pointy teeth. ''Kaira-chan! You're still awake?''

I sighed when he slung his arm around my shoulder. Sasuke merely grabbed something to drink himself before sitting down next to me. ''Why are you still up?''

''I was with Izuna.'' I answered quietly. ''What about you?''

Sasuke stared at his drink. ''Karin and Juugo just came back. We talked for a while, then they went to bed. Suigetsu was still hungry, so I went with him to the kitchen.''

I looked around me, and saw Suigetsu standing in front of the fridge, looking for something to eat. Averting my gaze from him, I brought the glass to my mouth again and drank the remaining water before standing up. ''I'm going to sleep.'' I mumbled, looking down at Sasuke. 'Goodnight, Sasuke.''

I turned around, and began to walk away, but before I could set a step, a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. Sasuke was now the one gazing down at me. ''I want to talk to you tomorrow.'' he said. ''About Suki.''

''You heard?'' I asked surprised. I didn't know there was anyone nearby. Sasuke shook his head and pointed at Suigetsu. ''He was. I know what you think about it, but I know the people in Konoha. I know who Suki can trust, and who she can't trust.''

I glanced at Suigetsu again, but it seemed he hadn't heard anything. His gaze was still fixated on the contents of the fridge. Looking back at Sasuke, I nodded. ''Shouldn't Suki come too?''

''Yes, just come to me tomorrow, then we'll talk.''

I nodded and Sasuke quickly cupped my cheek and placed a swift kiss on my lips. I took a glance at Suigetsu, but it seemed like he hadn't seen a thing.

Sasuke and I decided to keep our relationship secret. It was better this way. My dad would never approve of this, and he doesn't like Sasuke at all. Only Sasuke's power is what he needs. And it's obvious that Sasuke's team doesn't really trust the Akatsuki as well. The only one who doesn't care is Suigetsu, but Juugo and Karin are both very protective over Sasuke, and if they saw him with me, they would think I would deceive him. Even if we explained the situation to them, they would still be suspicious, especially Karin. At least, that is how Sasuke and I thought they would react. We didn't really know if that would actually happen, but we both agreed it would be better to keep it from others. We also didn't want to trouble others with our relationship. Better be safe than sorry.

When Sasuke let me go, I left the kitchen. I wondered why Sasuke wanted to help Suki. It didn't have anything to do with him, right?

Sasuke's POV.

After I woke up in the morning, I took a shower and put on a pants and a plain white shirt. It was already around noon by then, so I knew Kaira and Suki were already awake now. The door creaking made me look up, and I saw Kaira standing in the doorway. After she closed the door behind her, she walked towards me, but Suki wasn't there.

''Where's she?'' I asked as Kaira sat down next to me on the bed.

''She was training, and told me she would come when she was done. Suki will be here in a few minutes.'' Kaira answered. ''But I came a bit earlier, to ask you something.'' She turned her head, looking me straight in the eyes. ''Why did you decide to help Suki? I do appreciate your help, but I want to know the reason.''

I sighed and ran a hand through my damp hair, removing the bangs from my face. ''If Suki gets caught, it will cause Taka problems as well. There's no doubt that they will ask Suki about us, since it's known now that we worked for the Akatsuki one-off. That's the reason.''

Kaira nodded and looked at the door. ''I hope she'll be okay.'' she murmured. Glancing down at her, I was slightly amused. Even though she could be hard on people, she did really care about them.

''Thank you Sasuke.'' Kaira mumbled. ''For helping.''

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