Chapter 53.

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Izuna's POV.

''Are you sure you're feeling well?'' I asked as I followed Kaira into her bedroom.

''I'm fine.'' she puffed as she took off her jacket, throwing it over the chair. ''Just feeling a bit dizzy.''

I pursed my lips and closed the door. ''You don't look so fine though.'' I said as I walked at her. ''Turn around for a bit.''

Kaira did as I said and turned around. She looked tired, and her face was flushed. Taking her face in my hands, I leaned forward and gently pressed my forehead against hers. Kaira just let me do as I pleased, not budging.

I sighed and pulled back. ''I knew it. You have a fever, you're burning up.''

''I'm fine.'' she insisted irritably. ''It'll be over in a bit.''

''It won't.'' I grunted as I quickly held her shoulders when she began to wobble on her feet. ''Kaira, ou should lie down.''

She glared at me while squeezing my shoulder slightly when she began to shake again. I rolled my eyes and let go of her.Finally giving in, noticing it was really too much, she leaned against me. ''Izuna..'' she mumbled. ''I'm really not feeling well.''

I sighed and led her to her bed. ''Then stop being so persistent.'' I said. ''Should I get Sasuke?''

Kaira shook her head as she sat down. ''He's out at the moment.'' she whispered as she lay down. ''He said he'd be back tomorrow or the day after.''

''Then I'll have to take care of you.'' I murmured as I sat down next to her. Kaira scoffed and turned her back to me. ''I don't need you to take care of me. I'm not a little kid anymore.''

''You could barely stand just a minute ago.'' I pointed out. ''And I can't just leave you like this, and in a few days..'' I trailed off. I couldn't tell her that. I only heard it yesterday, but that was because I have a bigger role than her in this plan and thus heard the details of it earlier. But this plan..

I didn't like it.

''What is in a few days?'' Kaira asked as she turned around.


''Saying things like that is suspicious, Izuna.''

''I know, but you'd suspect me no matter what I'd say.''

''True, but I want to know.''

''That's a shame.'' I muttered as I stood up. ''Cause I'm not telling you. You aren't able to participate in this mission, and you also wouldn't want to anyway.''

''I can participate, even if I'm pregnant.'' Kaira grunted stubbornly. ''Of course I won't do anything reckless, and I won't risk getting injured, but I can participate.''

''You're already showing, Kaira!'' I hissed in annoyance. ''It's too risky. And you also can't hide this much longer from dad anymore. But one thing is for sure, he wouldn't let you come along if he'd find out. Not because of the baby, but because you're useless the way you are now.''

Kaira gritted her teeth and sat up, grabbing the collar of my shirt in a swift motion. ''I'm certainly not useless. I'm confident of my strength! Just what kind of operation is this?!"

''A huge one.'' I replied coldly. ''And you won't survive if you come with us. You fatigue to easily, you're slower, and you're less powerful. You might be able to take on many, but when you're too tired to go on, they won't let you go just because you're carrying a kid.''

''So it's a fight?'' She asked. '''A huge operation'.., you said. A war, Izuna?'

''Tch, it's a war okay? And that's why you won't come!'' I exclaimed.

''A war against who?''

I pursed my lips. Hiding things now wouldn't make things better. ''Everyone.''

Kaira's eyes widened. ''Everyone.. You mean literally everyone? Konoha, Iwa..''

''Not just the villages.'' I sighed. ''The whole Land of Fire and Land of Earth, but not just them. The Five Shinobi Countries. That's our opponent.''

''That's crazy.'' Kaira whispered. ''We are just a small organization. We are powerful, yes, but can we win from five countries?''

''Dad must have something up his sleeve.'' I said. ''You know him. He's pretty sneaky.''

Kaira let go of my collar and let herself fall back onto the bed, burying her face in her hands. ''Are you participating?''

''I am. In my own plan.''

Kaira removed her hands from her face and frowned at me. ''You own plan?'' she asked. ''What are you going to do?''

''Suki is in Konoha.'' I said. ''And I'm not planning on fighting her or her village, which is now her home. Kaira, be honest. Are you intending on following Madara any longer? 'Cause I'm not. He's changed. He's not the man we used to know, Kaira. He might have cared for us in the past, but now, he sees us as nothing but tools.''

''I hate to admit it..'' she whispered. ''But you're right. But what are you going to do on your own?''

''I'm going to find Suki, and fight at her side, against my family.'' I huffed as I clenched my fists. ''We figth well together, and the two of us may be able to do something.'''

''And your plan doesn't involve me, does it?''

''You're staying here until it's safe.''

Kaira gritted her teeth. ''Fine.''

''One more thing.'' I said. ''Don't tell any of this to Sasuke.''

''Why not?'' She asked. ''He's also a part of the Akatsuki, right?''

''What side do you think Sasuke'll choose?'' I questioned. ''He wants revenge against Konoha. If you tell him, he'll become my enemy. Our enemy. Do you want that?''


''Then keep quiet.''


Arghhh. I'm really frustrated now. This chapter is really bad and I wrote it very quickly. It's also short. I just didn't have any time to write this before, so that's the reason why it's so late. Sorry about that. I hoped you enjoyed it even though it isn't so good. I'll try to make the next one better.

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