Chapter 25. Sadness.

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First part of the chapter sucks.. but it's a long chapter, and the rest is better. So, enjoy :)

Kaira's POV.

I walked at mom when I saw her sitting at a round table in the middle of the library. She sat here pretty often. Mom is one of the few who really make use of the library. I'm ony here when I want to learn a new technique, or want to know something really badly. Almost everything you want to know is written on one of the scrolls in the library.

Mom looked up from the scroll she was reading, and looked at me when she noticed me approaching. ''Kaira..'' she murmured.

I could tell her condition had worsened. She looked a bit paler than before, and also thinner. Why would she eat less than before? Her voice as well.. It sounded hollow..

I clenched my fists and sat down next to her. It was silent for the first few minutes. Neither one of us said anything. Things were so messed up right now. Dad is pissed at me, mom is sick, Sasuke... I don't know if I should call things between Sasuke and me messed up, but things aren't very clear either. We only kissed once, but what did that mean? I don't know what Sasuke feels for me..

''Kaira, I want to give you something..'' Mom whispered, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Mom smiled weakly at me and handed me a scroll. I looked at her, and she nodded at me, silently telling me to open it. As I opened the scroll, I noticed techniques were explained on it, but frowned when I read the title.

This was a scroll with ice release techniques.

''Mom, I can't do such techniques, I didn't inherit your Kekkei Genkai..'' I murmured. ''Shouldn't you give it to Suki?''

Mom shook her head. ''You have inherited my Kekkei Genkai, you already showed signs of having it. You can do these as well. It just requires a lot of training. We all know Suki isn't the strongest, and she doesn't have much chakra either. Suki won't be able to do these, since you need a lot of chakra for some of these techniques. Even I couldn't master them all, only the easiest ones and a few more diffucut ones. Both Izuna and you may be able to do it Of course the training will take a year or more, so it's your choice if you do something with it.''

I have inherited mom's Kekkei Genkai? And Izuna as wel? Just like my siblings and I all have inherited dad's Kekkei Genkai? I was currently trying to master earth techniques, and that was already hard enough. Mastering a third chakra nature isn't so easy, and now mom tells me I can learn ice release techniques.. I think I'll need more than a year to master such techniques. ''Thanks mom..'' I whispered. ''I'll try it.''

''How is Sasuke?'' Mom suddenly asked. ''I saw him walking a while ago, is he badly injured?''

I glanced at mom. Why did she bring Sasuke up? Why would she care? Almost everyone of the Akatsuki had already died, and mom didn't look like she cared. Not much at least. ''He's fine, I guess.'' I mumbled. ''You should worry about yourself.''

Mom looked away, and let out a soft sigh. ''Kaira, I need you to listen to me.''

The way she said that didn't make me feel any better. I bit my lip and nodded slowly, hesitating if I should really listen or just go. I know that what she was going to say wasn't anything good.

''I probably won't make it.''

I felt my chest tighten, and I shut my eyes tightly. I knew something like that was coming, but hearing her say it.. Mom, the most important person in my life.. wasn't going to make it.. She was going to die.. What would I do without her? If I had problems, I would always go to her, she helped me with everything, she raised me, taught me.. and soon, she won't be able to anymore..

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