Chapter 11. Captured.

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Kaira's POV.

After supper, Suki told us everything that had happened in Konoha. I still can't believe she went to that village while dad clearly told us to not go there. He obviously held hatred for The Hidden Leaf, and I wondered why. I knew that mom and Deidara held  grudge against Iwagakure, but I didn't know why they hated their village either. Both mom and dad rarely told us anything about their pasts..


The three of us looked at the doorway, and we saw dad standing there. He looked frustrated and angry at the same time. Did he find out about Suki going to Konoha? I frowned when I saw dad pulling mom with him into the room. Tears were running down her face and her eyes were red.

''Suki, go with your mother to the infirmary immediately.'' he said before looking at Izuna. ''Look for Asuki and tell her she has to go to the infirmary as well, and Kaira, go to Sasori's room and look for the book with the poisons and medicines. I will explain everything once we are all in the infirmary.''

Suki quickly nodded and got up. ''What happened?''

''I told you I would explain everything later..'' Dad sounded really impatient, so I decided to get up and search for Sasori's book. I left the kitchen and headed to the room Sasori was supposed to stay at. We still didn't clean the room after his death, so all of his stuff was still there.

I opened the door and peeked into the dark room. I put on the lights and looked around. I've been in Sasori's room many times before, so I knew where the book was. He was one of my friends in the base, along with Itachi and Kisame. I was never fond of all the members. Most were just annoying and a pain in the ass.

I opened the drawer and glanced at the red book. A scorpion was drawn on the cover, the same symbol he placed on all the puppets he created. I grabbed it an left the dusty room. Why would dad need this book? What was going on? Why was mom crying?

I saw Izuna and Asuki walking in the distance, and they went into the infirmary. I quickly followed them.

Sasuke's POV.


I turned around and looked at Jugo. ''Did you find Itachi?'' I asked him. Jugo shook his head, but the look in his eyes said he did know something. ''But the birds told me something quite interesting..''

''What is it?'' I asked slightly impatient. I just wanted to find Itachi and end his life. I wanted to avenge the Uchiha clan.

''They told me that there is some girl running around the forest. She's looking for something she desperately needs.''

''So?'' I mumbled. ''What does that have to do with Itachi? I don't care about this girl.''

Jugo sighed. ''This girl is an Uchiha..''

Now that caught my attention. She was an Uchiha? Was it Kaira? Shes's so far the only Uchiha woman I know. ''An Uchiha? Tell me more.'' I demanded.

Jugo smirked, obviously amused by my sudden interest. ''To be specific, she's Madara Uchiha's daughter.''

If that girl was Kaira, then the fact she was Madara's daughter would explain everything. She was skilled, she must have been trained by Madara himself. But how can Jugo be sure that that girl is Madara's daughter. Nobody has been the guy in many years. ''Are you sure?''

Jugo nodded and the bird on his shoulder flew away. ''She has been seen with him, and the girl called him her father. Madara went back at some time and he was too fast for the birds to trail him down, but they girl wasn't. She's close, what do you want to do?''

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