Chapter 42. Decision.

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This chapter is dedicated to Chakra_nature. Thank you for your support :))

Kaira's POV.

''They aren't doing anything.'' I mumbled as Izuna and I continued to observe the movements of our enemies.

''This is so boring.'' Izuna whined. ''Why can't we just eliminate them?''

I sighed. ''Did dad tell you that we could kill them?'' I asked. ''And I don't see how killing them is any fun. Even if we have the element of surprise, we don't have the orders.''

I wasn't looking at Izuna, yet I knew he was glancing at me with a look in his eyes I probably didn't like. ''No, he didn't tell me.'' Izuna muttered annoyed. ''But since when do you listen to him so well? Don't have the orders? Are you kidding me? This is my revenge. I want to return the favor.''

''Izuna! You're recklessness is what got you in trouble in the first place. Do you want to repeat what happened the previous time you encountered them?'' I growled.

Izuna's eyes softened, and he smiled softly. ''Don't worry, I'll be fine.'' he grinned. ''I have you here with me after all. Besides, even if we sit here for hours, we won't get to know anything new. I'll just tell dad they found us and we had no choice but to eliminate them in order to stay alive or something like that.''

Izuna's POV.

''You done there?''

I nodded and sheathed my katana. This really felt good. After what those guys did to me, Kuri and Rai, I could finally get my revenge. They deserved it. They could have expected it. I can't believe those guys actually beat me once.

''Izuna, let's head back.'' Kaira said. ''I'm tired of this already.''

''Shouldn't we look around for a bit?'' I asked. ''Maybe we'll find something interesting.''

''This isn't their main base, but just one they can stay at temporary. I doubt we'll find anything of importance here.''

I sighed. ''Let's just look around.''

Kaira's POV.

''I told you there wasn't anything here.'' I muttered as we walked through the forest, heading back to the base.

Izuna pouted playfully and nudged me. ''Don't be like that. Why can't you never relax?''

I looked from the corners of my eyes at my brother. He could be so smart and skilled, but he still was an idiot. ''Relaxation leads to letting your guard down, and letting your guard down leads to being poisoned. Being poisoned leads to-''

''Yeah yeah I know.'' Izuna grumbled. ''How long are you going to use that against me?''

''As long as I... want.. to.'' I slowly trailed off as I saw the bridge in front of us. There was literally a hole in it.

''What the hell happened here?'' Izuna mumbled.

That was when I heard a voice. ''Then, I will carry the burden of all your hatred, and die with you.''

There were people on the river. I also sensed chakra, also very familiar chakra, but it was pretty faint. Looking down, my eyes widened once I saw Sasuke, Obito and Zetsu. There were also three other people I didn't recognize.

I was just about to jump off the bridge, but Izuna grabbed my arm, preventing me from going any further. ''Kaira, Obito is with him.'' he whispered. ''He'll be fine. We shouldn't get involved. Those people are from Konoha, you know?''

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