Chapter 29.

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Kaira's POV.

Suki hadn't said anything after I scolded her. It annoyed me. She should forget about her emotions and just kill, just like I do. It's not that I like murdering people, but I do it when necessary. It's never fun to take a life, I understand that, but Suki is a member of the Akatsuki, she should be able to kill.

I glanced over my shoulder, seeing my younger sister running behind me. At least she was still able to focus on the mission, or else I would have to let her behind. Suki would only get in the way when she is distracted by some thoughts.

I stopped when I sensed presences nearby. Four, to be exact. Suki stopped behind me, and I just felt the nervousness radiating from her body. I guess she felt more anxious now after what happened before..

I knew she was afraid she would have to fight again, she knew she had to kill them, but I knew she wouldn't do that.

Izuna's POV.

It was hard to keep my eyes open. I've been awake this whole time already. I didn't want anyone to sneak up on me while I was asleep, even though I wouldn't be able to do anything against it if it were to happen. It was still hard to move. I wonder what kind of poison is flowing in my blood right now. I wasn't dead yet, so the poison wasn't deadly? Or would I die in a few days?


'I moved my head to the side, seeing someone run at me. My vision was blurry, and I couldn't see the person clearly. I suddenly felt two hands cup my cheeks and heard my name being shouted again. I felt so weak. Was it really going to end this way? The hands left my face, and I felt pressure on my chest. It hurt at first, but then it became soothing, and I had the feeling I could already breathe easier.

This feeling..

It was Suki.

Kaira's POV.

I pulled my sword out of the man's chest and quickly looked around. The others haven't gotten up yet. That meant they were either dead or unconscious. And even if they survived, it would be hard to move with those burns. I did a fire jutsu, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were burned alive. After Suki took one of them down, without killing the guy of course, I told her to go ahead, since I sensed Izuna's chakra nearby.

I sheathed my katana, and turned around, running in to the direction Suki went. I hope she's alright. After running for about 10 minutes, I saw Suki on the ground, and saw a body lying before her. I felt anxious when I took a better look. That body was too big to be Kuri or Rai. Suki would never heal an enemy, so it could only be one person..


I quickly ran at them, and my eyes widened when I got a better look at my brother. He had a few cuts, nothing serious, but the look on his face.. It was obvious he had a hard time staying awake. I knelt on the other side of him, and put my hand on his face, but pulled it back when I my hand made contact. He felt really hot. I glanced at Suki, and she bit her lip. ''He has a bad fever..'' she whispered. ''And..''

''And..?'' I urged.

''I think he's poisoned.''

''Poisoned?!" I asked, not expecting that. I looked at Izuna again. That's why he was down with these few wounds. Poisoned weapons.. How cowardly.. Even I kill my opponents in a few seconds, but I don't let them suffer. But I was grateful this time.. Izuna wouldn't be alive now if his opponents didn't use poisoned weapons..''Is it deadly?'' I asked quietly.

Suki shrugged. ''I don't know.. We need to take him back to the base, to Asuki and mom. With them, I should be able to determine what kind of poison if flowing through his veins.''

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