Chapter 15. Truth?

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Pic of Miyu at the side --->

Kaira's POV.

"Kaira, have you seen Shisui and Rai?"

I looked over my shoulder and saw Asuki looking at me. Her eyes were red and puffy, so it was obviously she had cried just a minute ago. Had this something to do with Itachi? He had been acting a bit strange before he left this morning..

"No, but I think they at the training grounds, I saw them walking about an hour ago, but I'm not sure if they are still there.." I mumbled thoughtfully. "But what's up with you? Why have you been crying?" I asked suspicously.

Asuki's eyes widened and she rubbed her eyes, removing the remains of her tears, but her eyes and cheeks were still red.. "N-Nothing's wrong." She stammered.

My eyes narrowed, and I stepped closer to her. "Did something happen?" If she wouldn't just tell me, I had to use a bit intimidation..

Asuki slowly walked backwards. "N-No! I was just looking for Shisui and Rai!'' She wasn't at bad at lying as mom, but it was still obvious..

''Asuki..'' I really needed answers now. If this did had something to do with Itachi, I had to know. She was stuttering, and her hands were trembling. There really was something going on.

''Kaira, t-trust me, there's n-nothi-'' "Liar." I cut her off. "You can better start telling me things, Asuki.."

"Kaira! I already told you, noth-" "Does this has something to do with Itachi?" I harshly interrupted her, geting straight to the point.

Asuki froze, and I clenched my jaw. I could see it in her eyes. "Asuki.. Where is he?" I asked lowly. Asuki bit her lip and shook her head. "I won't tell you.." she whispered. "Itachi wanted it to be this way.."

I grunted and and walked past her, heading for my room. I heard Asuki call after me, but I ignored her, and turned to the right, walking into an other hallway. So I was right; this did had something to do with Itachi.., but what? Itachi was acting strange. Sure, we had hugged before, but never because he would leave for a while. He leaved often for missions which would take some time. And the look in his eyes.. I knew something was wrong, and I was right, but what was going on? Itachi left, Asuki was crying. And what did she meant with 'Itachi wanted it to be this way'?

I opened the door to my room, and slammed it closed behind me. Opening my closet, I took out some clothes and my pouch. I couldn't possibly go outside in the clothes I was wearing now, they weren't meant to fight in if needed. When I turned to my desk, wanting to open my drawer for some kunais and shuriken, I saw a ring lying on it, with a rolled up paper in it. My eyes narrowed and I slowly walked at it. I picked up the ring, and immediately recognized it.

It was Itachi's ring..

I quickly pulled the paper out of the ring and placed the ring back on the table. I unrolled the paper, and saw a message written on it. I swallowed thickly, recognizing the handwriting of the owner of the ring and began to read.


if you read this, it's probably already too late for me, but I'm glad. I know you already found out a lot about me when talking to my little brother. I won't explain everything in this letter, it will take to much time, and that is something I lack. If you want to know the truth, you should ask Asuki about it. If you show her this letter, she will tell you everything you want to know.

Anyway, I won't come back, and you will never see me again. I'll die today, by Sasuke's hand, just like I planned after massacring our clan. I'm sorry to have to tell this to you through a letter, but I couldn't tell this to you in person. I need to be punished for my crimes, and Sasuke is the only one suitable for punishing me. He will take his revenge, and he will hopefully return to Konoha after. This is the best way, and I would have died anyway due my terminal sickness..

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