Chapter 44. Careless.

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Sorry that this is so late! I'm going to be completely honest. I was lazy, I was sick, and my other stories have priority. One because that one is pretty new, and the other one because that one has far more readers and I already let them wait a few times. But here it is! I hope you enjoy :)

Suki's POV.

''Hey, Suki-chan!''

Looking over my shoulder, I saw Naruto and Sakura walk at me. Naruto had a huge smile on his face, unlike Sakura. She looked somewhat hurt.'''You guys are back.'' I said happily. ''How went the mission?''

Naruto's smile lessened and he shrugged. ''It went alright.''

It was obvious that there was more, but I decided not to ask. If Naruto wanted to tell me, he would do it an other time.

''But you know, Suki-chan?'' Naruto asked. ''We also saw this girl, who almost looked exactly like you!''

My eyes almost widened, but I was able to hide my shock. They would probably get suspicious if they were to see such a reaction. But if they saw a girl who looked a lot like me, did they mean Kaira? Why was she with them? She told me to be careful but then she's being reckless.

''Really?'' I asked.

Naruto nodded. ''And there was also this guy with her. I think they were siblings since they also looked pretty much like each other. But they had black eyes. At first I though they girl was you.'' Naruto scratched the back of his head.

Izuna too. What were they thinking, exposing themselves like this?

Sakura's POV.

Suki didn't look very shocked, morre confused, and it made feel more bad that I doubted her. She just looked so much like that other girl, and Kakashi-sensei said they could have some sort of connection. It had to be, he said.

It was said that Madara had 3 children, and those two we saw with Sasuke, were without doubt two of them. Suki looked so much like them. Could she be the third? But if she was, what was she doing here? Spying, getting information? She was so kind and caring, how could she be one of those heartless bastards? Was she acting?

I grumbled. I needed to stop asking myself these questions. I was Suki's friend. I was thinking like I wanted her to be the bad guy. If she was an Uchiha, then she was in Konoha with a reason, an intention. A good or a bad one. That was something we had to figure out. Did she mean harm?

There was I going again. Suki doesn't have to be the enemy, so stop thinking like that. Just observing her for a few days would be enough. If we wouldn't find anything suspicious, she's one of us. If we would find anything suspicious, she's one of them.

Kaira's POV.

''This is..''

Asuki smiled and nodded. ''The cure.'' she grinned. ''I finished it.''

I smiled. ''That means-'' ''Miyu is now taking this. She'll be fine.'' She interrupted me.

Relief washed over me. Mom wouldn't die.

''But why are you giving me this?'' I asked as I looked at the pills in my hand.

''Miyu got the sickness from her mother, and since she's your mother, the is a possibility you have the disease too. It's just to be safe. I already gave them to Izuna.''

''What about Suki?''

Asuki's expression saddened. ''She in Konoha. It's too risky to bring it to her or to even contact her.''

''Do you have her pills?'' I asked.

Asuki nodded and patted her bag. ''Yeah, in here.''

''Give them to me.''

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