Chapter 20 - Duke

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Today was the day I had been dreading for a long time...

My mother's funeral.

Ever since I had found her in her room hung up by a flimsy rope, I hadn't been the same. I don't talk to anyone anymore. They don't deserve my words.

My dad won't go near me either, he doesn't even seem bothered by it at all. It's like my mother never existed.

The suit I was meant to be wearing was hung up in front of me. It was there mocking me; I could have saved my mother, but I didn't. She was hurting, and I just dismissed it.

A harsh knock at my door snaps my attention back into reality. The door roughly opens, and my dad appears in the doorway.

"Why the fuck aren't you dressed yet?" He snaps. "Just because your mother is dead doesn't mean you need to pick up her incompetence!"

"Mother was not incompetent!" I argue back. I had no clue at all what that word meant but I knew it wasn't kind.

Dad angrily storms towards me and grabs my throat. "You will not answer back to me ever again. You mean fucking nothing to me."

The pressure against my windpipe was almost cutting off all my breathing, tears were gathering in the corner of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

Eventually, my dad's hand leaves my throat and I drop to the floor gasping for breath. A hard kick connects with my stomach making me groan out in pain. Dad always attacked me like this, but I always forgot how bad it was each time.

"Get fucking ready." He warns, turning around and storming out.

Bruises were going to appear on my neck soon and there was no way of covering them. People were going to see and ask how I got them, and I didn't have a well-thought-out answer.

I quickly put my suit on, trying to ignore the fiery pain coursing through my neck and stomach. It would have to be ignored until I get back home later.

At the funeral, I stand around the open casket. The bruises around my mother's neck had been covered, there was no evidence of any type of harm.

Sadness welled up inside me at my mother's peaceful face. It was rare when she was alive that she would crack any type of smile or look happy. My dad had made her life miserable and now she was dead because of it.

Her pale hands were holding a small bouquet of flowers. The ivory colours complimented her skin. I place a shaky hand over hers, all I could feel was cold instead of the inviting warmth my mother used to give me.

As I stared at the lifeless form of my mother, I decided then and there that I was going to make a promise to myself. I will never end up like my dad, nor will I treat a woman like my dad does. I knew that a lot was expected of me with his motorcycle gang, but I promised myself that I would never rule it the way he did, things were going to change once I took over.

The constant string of people shaking my hand and offering condolences started to become numb to me. I knew barely any of these people and I doubt they knew my mother. My dad probably forced them to come out of respect for their leader.

Slowly but surely the line of people started to die down and the rate of apologies died down with it. By the time the last few people had come over, their apologies were said through boredom and distraction. They were all eyeing up the buffet table probably hungry from queuing for so long.

"Come and have some alcohol son." My dad beams. "It will help take your mind off everything."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I warily reply.

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