Chapter 12 - Abigail

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I woke up forgetting where I was. Panic started to rise up at the unfamiliar sight that was around me. Where was I?

Needing to find a way out, I quickly jumped out of bed. Yowling in pain at the pressure being put down on her left ankle. I glanced down and inspected the injuries caused when the events came back to her again.

Someone had trashed my house; I wasn't sure who. Ryder had been hit by a car; it should have been me. Who was driving the car? Duke had started acting cold with me again, he didn't care about me. He never did.

Sinking back into the bed, I let the memories flow freely in my mind again. All my freedom was gone, and nothing could be done about it. There still wasn't a clock in the bedroom so I was unaware of the time. By the look of the bright sunshine coming through the window, it wasn't near early morning anymore. It was unusual for me to wake up late but the events from the past forty eight hours must have exhausted me more than I thought.

The smell of breakfast caught my attention and I looked around to see a plate of food to the left of me, placed on the bedside table. At a closer look, it didn't seem as appetising as it smelled. The toast was half burnt; the left side was a perfect shade of brown while the right side was an ugly dark shade. Waffles took up a fair amount of the plate, my favourite food. Apart from they were soggy, drowned in syrup. The eggs on the side didn't appeal to me at all, even though they were the only thing that was cooked.

Most of my day was spent lying down and thinking. It seemed to be the only possible activity when locked in a room with nothing to do. Duke hadn't been in since this morning. Hours had easily passed since waking up this morning, surely he would be home by now.

As if on cue a loud roar of a motorcycle makes me get up and check the window. Duke had finally arrived back. Rushing over to the door and trying to ignore the pain in my foot, I needed to see if Ryder is okay. To my surprise, the door was locked. All day I had refused to leave the room out of spite when actually I was locked in. How that had backfired on me.

Deciding to wait on the bed, I hoped that Duke would come and open the door soon. So many questions were ready to fire out and answers were desperately needed. Eventually the door opens, and Duke warily steps through into the room.

"How is Ryder?" I start. "Is he going to be okay? Did you find out who was driving the car? Who destroyed my house? Is my house even okay?"

A hand clamps over my mouth, preventing any more questions being asked.

"For the love of god please do not ask any more questions." Duke groans. "Yes Ryder is okay, there's a long road of recovery ahead for him. No we do not know who was driving the car or who broke into your house. Your house is fine."

Duke's hand slowly leaves my lips, ready to bring it back just in case I ask any more questions.

"Okay." I quietly reply.

A sigh of relief leaves Duke, no more questions were going to be asked for now. His gaze was intense as if he was looking for any changes in appearance. I try to hide my ankle from view, that wasn't his problem to sort out.

A hand stops my foot from moving any further. "It's more swollen." Duke states.

"It's fine, I don't feel it." I lie, flinching at the pressure being put on it.

"You need to learn to lie better if you think you're going to get away with that." He says.

"It honestly doesn't bother me, don't worry about it." I continue, trying to pull it out of his grasp.

"Don't move." He warns impatiently, standing up and leaving the room.

Around two minutes later Duke comes back with another ice pack. He kneels back down and places it on my foot. I immediately wince at the pain the cold gives me and try to pull away.

"You will keep this on your foot, don't think about throwing it across the room." Duke commands.

"I wasn't going to, but this is so unnecessary." I argue.

"You either keep this on or I will hold it until it goes warm."

By the tone of his voice, he wasn't joking. There wasn't any way I would allow him to sit there with ice on my foot, it could take hours to go warm!

"I'll keep it on." I complain, crossing my arms in a huff.

"I'm going to get some pizza to order in. What do you want?"

"Just cheese please."

Duke nods his head and goes to leave the room.

"Wait!" I call out.

He slowly turns and regards me.

"What about my job? They're going to be looking for me. I haven't taken a day off in years."

Surprise briefly flashes over Duke's face before it disappears just as fast. It obviously wasn't thought about.

"Don't worry about it." He dismisses, leaving and locking the door behind him.

It hurt that he still locked the door. Surely he knew I couldn't go anywhere with an icepack on my ankle.

The pain was starting to slowly ease. The ice was actually helping; although I was too stubborn to admit it to Duke.

Silence mainly engulphed the room; apart from the low growl of Duke's voice below ordering pizza. He seemed to be on the phone for a while, surely ordering pizza for two people didn't take that long.

An hour passed before a car was heard pulling up and someone getting out. The window in the room was locked shut so there was no way I could hear in. Before long, the bedroom was unlocked, and Duke strolled in with a pizza in hand.

"You kept the ice on your foot the whole time?" Duke questions.

"I did." I reply.

A small nod comes from Duke, almost as if he was appreciating what I had done.

"I'll take it back then and put it in the freezer. I'm sure you'll need it again tomorrow." He dismisses.

I take the ice and bring it out to Duke. He takes it and places the pizza next to me at the same time. Duke's eyebrows crease when looking at the pizza box. Did he regret his decision to feed me? His eyes move over to the plate on the bedside table that contained my breakfast and lunch.

"You don't like eggs." He states.

"I'm sorry, no." I apologise.

"It's fine. I wasn't sure what you enjoyed eating anyway."

"The rest was really good though." I lie.

Duke could tell that I was lying. It was not my talent. He quickly picks the plate up and starts to leave the room.

"I'll be back later."

A soft click indicates that once again the door is locked. There was no way out of this room. My stomach loudly grumbles from the smell of the pizza. I never usually had pizza; it was too expensive; a luxury to me.

Taking a glance at the box, I noticed it was huge. There wasn't any way I would be able to finish it all! Hopefully, some of it could be reheated for lunch tomorrow.

A long while later, the door unlocks again and Duke strolls through the door with a glass of water in hand. He places it on the bedside table and looks at the half eaten pizza.

"You didn't finish your pizza."

"There was a lot of it." I admit. "I was hoping you could put the rest in the fridge, and I'll have it for lunch tomorrow."

"Very well." Duke agrees. "If that is what you want."

"Thank you."

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Duke dismisses, walking out the room without a second glance.

I hoped that Duke would be more talkative tomorrow; having him act distant and not caring was really starting to bother me. At this rate, it wouldn't take long for me to break.

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