Chapter 47 - Duke

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The lights from the building sparkled against the water in the darkness. Easing my nerves slightly and giving me hope.

In thirty minutes I had grabbed Mason, briefed my brothers and made it to the abandoned docks. Not a minute early nor a minute late.

"You should think about what you're doing," Mason says, his voice wavering.

"You should shut the fuck up," I respond, tightening my grip on the wheel.

Everything was relying on this moment. It had to go smoothly. Knowing Pavel, he had some sort of trick up his sleeve that would try and destroy my plans.

"You came here by yourself. You're asking to get killed."

"I didn't come here by myself. I have you as a human shield." I dismiss.

"What the fuck man?"

"First of all, I'm not your man. Second of all, shut up."

I wasn't foolish enough to turn up by myself. One of my brothers was currently stationed at the top of a nearby building with a sniper. There was also my secret weapon hidden in the docks too. I knew Pavel wasn't going to play fair so I shouldn't either.

Headlights pull up in the distance and a tall man gets out of the car. He confidently struts to the centre of the docks, presenting himself to me.

"Your time to shine princess." I grab Mason by the hair. Pulling him out of the car. His angry protests fell on deaf ears as I dragged him along with me.

"Mason, so nice to finally meet you." Pavel drawls, holding a hand out to shake.

"Fuck you." He spits.

"He seemed to have forgotten all sense of manners." I disapprove, shoving him onto the floor. "Where's Abbie?"

I knew Pavel wouldn't bring her, that's why most of my brothers were currently raiding the safe-house she was situated in. I needed to be quick making this fake deal and finally ruin the Bratva's reign once and for all.

"Somewhere." He smirks.

"Did we or did we not have a deal?" I snide.

"I never agreed to anything Duke. I just asked you to meet me at the abandoned docks."

"I gave you Mason. I expect something in return"

Pavel's face flares up in anger, his hand reaching into the breast pocket of his suit jacket, pulling out a pistol. He shoots two bullets between his eyes, killing him instantly.

Blood instantly pools around his body, the metallic hues shining against the light.

"And now Mason is dead."

"You motherfucker." I seethe, pulling my gun out and removing the safety. "Maybe I should kill you too."

"You would not survive for long after shooting me."

"And why is that? Did you bring your right-hand man with you?"

"Maybe I did, maybe he would kill you in a heartbeat."

"I would like to see Liam try."

"Pavel." Liam greets, holding his gun directly at Pavel's head.

"Fucking traitor." He roars, swinging his gun to face Liam instead. A rookie mistake for a mafia don.

"You're not the only person to put a plant in the ranks. I was fortunate enough to find mine out before too much damage was caused."

"You have no reason whatsoever to plant someone in my organisation."

"It's better to be safe than sorry. It seemed to have worked in my favour." I drawl. "As we speak, my brothers are currently raiding your safe house and retrieving Abbie. Thanks to Liam, he convinced you to leave without any protection so we have you at our mercy."

"Maybe I brought some men with me, maybe they're hiding in the shadows."

"That's a lie," Liam says.

"I don't tell you everything, traitor. My men would be ready to kill you in a heartbeat."

Liam cocks his head, "The same men which I sent to a different location to look out for you?"

"My men know where I am all the time."

At this point, Pavel was flapping and panicking. A plan which he thought was going to be foolproof and successful, was slowly failing more and more by the minute. He would try anything to stall time and allow his men to try and save him.

"Admit it, Pavel. Your time is up, I have outsmarted you again. Only this time Abbie is going to suffer severely for it."

"Ah, that child. It was so satisfying watching the knife plunge deep into her stomach."

"You mother fucker!" I roar, luging towards him and whacking him around the head with my gun.

He immediately falls to the floor,  his head smashing against the concrete and knocking him out cold.

I train my gaze back to Liam, a satisfactory gaze splayed on my face. "Take him back to the cells in the club, I'm sure my brothers will make good use of him."

"Yes pres."

Liam gets straight to work, picking Pavel up and chucking him over his shoulder.

"I'll see you back at the club, I need to go and get my little waitress."

"Good luck." Liam turns around to call out, smashing Pavel's head against the wall at the same time.

I let out a snort before walking back to my car. Now that Pavel was captive, my next task would be to retrieve Abbie and bring her back to me.

Then I would never let her go.

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