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"DEIJI!! GET DOWN HERE OR YOU'LL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" My brother, Kim Taehyung, yelled from downstairs.

"COMING!!" I yelled back before fixing my skirt in my bathroom mirror. I quickly grabbed my bag and hopped down the stairs.

"Good morning, sweetie. Breakfast is on the table." My grandma petted my hair while I threw my bag on the sofa.

"Thank you, Grandma." I kissed her cheek and sat opposite Taehyung.

"Hey, stinker." He giggled.

"Oppa! You said you'd stop with that!" I pouted and stuffed my mouth with rice.

"Aw! How cute. Namjoon Hyung is picking us up for school."

"I cant believe all your friends apart from Jungkook got held back into MY grade. Even Jin! Yah! I'm walking with Shae-hi." I rolled my eyes and tied my sneakers.

"Here. I made you some lunch. Have a good day and work hard!" My grandma kissed my forehead and handed me my bag.

"Goodbye!" I smiled and hopped down my stairs.

As I was walking to Shae-Hi's house, Jungkook was also walking out.

"Hey neighbour!" He greeted. "Where's that beloved brother of yours?"

"Probably still eating." I replied, not giving him a glance.

"Is that a way to treat your Oppa?" He started walking next to me.

"Oh please... you barely act older!" I came to a halt, staring at him.

"I'm 6 months older. So, I'm your Oppa. Anyway, can I walk with you? I have nobody to walk with." He pouted.

"No." I replied bluntly and carried on walking.

"Oh, plleeeaaassseee?" He skipped to catch up. "I'll call you and Shae Noona for the rest of the day!"

"Really?" I smirked.

"Yes! And I'll buy you lunch. But not Shae. She hates me." He shivered due to the cool morning breeze.

"Fine. We are walking with Shae tho so prepare to be bullied" I chuckled and rang her doorbell. I heard a low groan from the 'older' boy and smiled to myself.

---time skip---

We were now in first period. The only people I knew in here were Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Get out your books and turn to page 76. Read up to page 80 and you will be taking a quiz on that Knowledge." The teacher announced. The whole class groaned.

"Mr Lee?" Jimin called out.

"Mr Park. How many times do I have to tell you to raise your hand for it to sink in?" The teacher sighed.

"Not sure. Anyway, can I use the bathroom?" He replied with a snigger before winking at some random girl.

"I don't know. Can you?" Mr Lee tried to mock him.

"I can. Can you get action in bed?" Jimin raised his actions.

I cringed at him as he shrugged his shoulders at me. 'Did I mention... Taehyung's friends and I were kind of a big deal around here. Anyway... I won't bore you.'

"Mr Lee?" I raised my hand.

"What, Deiji?" He tiredly glanced at me. "And get your feet off the table! You aren't at home!"

"I'm certainly not..." I muttered so nobody could hear. " Can I go and ask my brother for some... lunch money." I tried to make up an excuse.

"Whatever." Mr Lee rolled his eyes and also dismissed Jimin to the restroom.

As soon as I stood up and walked out from the classroom, Jimin tapped my shoulder.

"Would you like to eat lunch with us today? You can invite your friend." he sweet smiled.

"No." I told him, expressionless.

"Come on, Deiji. Ever since Jaehyun bullied you you've been miserable! He transferred schools and to be honest... you're hot now. What are you so afraid of?" he sighed.

"I'm flattered that you think I'm hot." I told him without a tone in my voice, causing hi to arch his eyebrow. "Really, I am. But you and your buddies are like... playboys, you know? All you care about is sex and I don't want to be friends with people like that. I'm sorry, Jimin." I sadly smiled.

"Thats just an act! You really think your brother is like that? Please. See how we really are then choose if you want to hang out with us. You know Tae would love you bond with you moe than he does."

I looked into his beautiful, brown eyes and sighed. I let out a soft sigh and replied 'fine.' before walking off.

---Time Skip to Lunch---

"SHAE-HI! DEIJI!" I heard my brother yell. I rolled my eyes and dragged my best friend to Bangtan's table. Yes, they call themselves Bangtan Boys. Dumb ikr.

"Yes?'' I sweetly smiled at Taehyung.

"Jimin-ssi told us you're hanging out with us after school!" He excitedly giggled.

"What? No no I told him I'd eat lunch with you guys! Not... hang out" I cringed.

"Please? It'll be fun!" Jin spoke up, giving me puppy eyes.

"YAH! Jin you know I can't say no to you!" I whined. Then, I saw all the boys doing Aegyos. "Fine..." I slumped down on a chair, between Namjoon and Seokjin.

Not gonna lie... these guys are hilarious! Jin's dad jokes are kind of lame but I've been crying from laughter the whole lunch period! Who knew I'd be exited to hang out tonight...


Heyyy!! I'm the author and i'm so exited to write this book. I hope people enjoy and send me ideas if you want to!


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