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When I got back home, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin were sat on the sofa.

"Oh, hey guys. I never knew you were coming over." I smiled lightly at them before trying to walk up the stairs. Tae grabbed my wrist before asking "Who's Jacket is that?

"Oh, it's Jungkook's." I shrugged. "I guess I forgot to give it back." I smiled and walked to my room.

I changed into some pyjamas and grabbed my laptop to watch Netflix.

"Deiji?" Jimin walked into my room and sat facing me.

"Whats up?" I crossed my legs in front of me and rested my chin on my palm.

"Do you want to come to my pyjama party tonight? It'll just be Bangtan." he tried to hide a laugh.

"A pyjama party?" I laughed before nodding. "Why not?"

"Great! Grab a bag to put your stuff in and meet us downstairs." He jumped up with a huge grin before walking out and shutting the door.

I got up and walked to my closet, making sure to grab some spare clothes. A video call came in from Jungkook so I answered. It connected and I saw his face super close to the camera.

"Heyyy" I grinned and propped my phone up against the bag on the floor.

"Hiii" he cutely replied. "Are you going to Jimin's pyjama thing? He just came and knocked on my door." he giggled and moved the phone so I could see more than his eyes.

"Yess! I'm getting ready now. Are you?"

"I will since you are. Do you want to match tomorrow? Wear the pants I got you for your birthday and I'll wear the matching ones." He stood up and ran to his closet, giving my a glimpse of his bare chest.

"Warn me next time you have no shirt on. Holy" I joked when he propped his phone on a shelf in his closet.

"Sorryyyy." he sang and grabbed a bag and his clothes. He went out of the frame for a few minuets before reappearing with a sweatshirt and a bag. "I'm ready." he grinned and turned his closet light off.

"Me too. do you want your jacket back from earlier? I forgot to give you it back." I stood up and walked downstairs.

"Keep it. You looked adorable." he made kiss noises into the camera, causing the other 3 guys to look at me weirdly.

"What the fuck" Taehyung mouthed to me causing me to laugh silently.

"I'll see you soon, Bye!" I waited for my boyfriends reply and hung up after I received it.

"Ready to go?" Jimin grabbed my bag for me and waited until I got some sneakers on.

"All ready!" I jumped up and we walked to Taehyung's car.

Jimin drove to his house and saw the rest of bangtan stood out side his front door, goofing around

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Jimin drove to his house and saw the rest of bangtan stood out side his front door, goofing around.

"BABY!" Jungkook shouted and started running until Taehyung ran to him and kissed his cheek.

"AWHHH" Hoseok laughed and fell to the floor holding his stomach.

"ew! Hyung!" Jungkook whined and karate chopped Taehyung's neck.

"Hii" I smiled and side hugged my boyfriend.

"I missed you" he rested his chin on my head.

"We saw each other an hour ago" I chuckled and let go since Jimin unlocked the door. Everyone walked in and gazed at the stuff he had ready.

"Damn, I never knew you where rich, Jimin-ssi" I nudged him while he set my bag down on his sofa.

"I'm not rich." he scoffed playfully.

"YOU HAVE SOJU?" I heard Taehyung yell from the kitchen and Jungkook cheering.

"Oh my god" I whispered and shook my head. I looked around and saw a Karaoke machine. "Not rich my ass" I whispered and turned to see Jin playing Mario cart.

"Wanna play?" he held a spare game controller out. I grabbed it and sat next to him, picking the character 'Yoshi '

"Dej will beat you, Jin" Tae sat on the sofa behind us with a cup of Soju.

"I'm the king of Mario Cart. Nobody beats me."

"We'll see about that, sweetheart." I joked and started playing the game.

---After the game---

"BOOM! I TOLD YOU!" I yelled and danced around.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jin yelled and fell back in slow motion.

"SUCK ON THAT, JIN OPPA!" I threw the game controller down and ran into the kitchen seeing Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook drinking Soju.

"Whats the yelling about?" Jungkook asked as he pulled me onto his lap.

"I won Jin at Mario Cart." I smiled and took a sip of his Soju.

"Really? Damn." Yoongi raised his eyebrows with a slight nod.

I leant back agains Jungkook's chest and started a ocnversation with everyone until Hoseok came in.

"Hi brothers. And sister." he danced around.

"Hobi? are you drunk?" I laughed while he nodded his head.

"Oh god." Kookie rested his forehead on my shoulder. I sighed and poured more Soju in the the cup we were both sharing.

"We're gonna leave to two alone. Come on, Hobi Hyung." Jimin grabbed both the guys arms and left the room.

"Why did they leave?" I asked and turned on his lap.

"I don't know." he sniffed and stared at me. "You're so beautiful." he whispered and kissed my lips.

*FLASH* "HOW CUUTE!" Taehyung squealed and looked at his phone.

"Did you just take a picture of us?" Jungkook looked at him, unimpressed.

"Thank me later. You may proceed." He left and I started to laugh.

"I think you should dye your hair." he stroked my cheek. "The blonde is starting to fade a bit."

"Hmm... maybe." I replied. "What colour?"

"Blue or green. I'll match you if you want? We can go tomorrow."

"Okay." I grinned. "Let's do it!"

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