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The next day was a Monday. Meaning school. Yay!

"Wake up, Deiji." Taehyung came in and shook me, causing me to slap his face.

"YAH! You know I hate being woken up! Especially on a school day, pabo!" I closed my eyes, snuggling back into my sheets.

"Dej, you'll be late. Get up!" I heard Jungkook's voice.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled seeing him climbing through my window. "GET OUT!"

"Relax! I invited Him and everyone else. Get ready." Taehyung pulled the young boy out and I got up.

---after changing---

"You ready to go? Don't forget, you're dating Soobin." Yoongi rested his arm over my shoulders.

"Nope." I pushed his arm off. "I get that I have daddy issues but It's not the type where I enjoy abusive relationships, okay? I'm not going back to Soobin! You guys aren't making that choice for me." I teared up and walked out into the rain so it would disguise my tears.

I sat on the park bench feeling a presence next to me.

"Hey... it's okay to be upset, angry have all those feelings. But I'm not going to push you to Soobin." Jimin wrapped his arm around me.

"I miss my grandma." I sobbed onto him. "So much."

"I know. We all do. I'm here for you and everyone else is as well."

"Yoongi is pushing me into that relationship! It's like he doesn't want me to be safe to happy! I just wish my grandma was here." I sniffed. "Whenever I was having a bad time, she would braid my hair since I loved people playing with my hair. She would sing to me, play with my dollhouse and make me hot chocolate. But I'm really regretting what I turned into, you know? She put up with all my shit. And she went too soon. Before I could get to the hospital. I couldn't even fucking apologise." I shook my head.

"She's proud of you. She is. As much as you deny it she will always be with you and Taehyung. Its okay not to be okay. Don't listen to Yoongi, his life at home is stressing him out and he's not coping well. Let's skip school, I'll text the guys and tell them to meet us here."

A few minuets later, Taehyung was sprinting away from the other 5 and engulfing me in a hug. He held me for 10 minuets while I cried even more, feeling safe in my big brothers arms. It was like it was just me and him. Two broken kids just fighting through life together with their 6 brothers.

I've never felt more loved by 7 guys.

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