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Tae and I got back home at 3am. He quietly opened the door, not to wake our Grandma. Which was no use as she was sat on the sofa.

"Where have you two been? Look at the hour! You have school tomorrow!" she spoke, outraged.

"Sorry, Grandma. It was my fault for keeping Dej out so late." Taehyung lowered his head.

"I would think you are sorry! She's almost passed out on your back. Don't tell me you got chased by the cops again!"

Taehyung kept quiet.

"Aigo... what are you going to do when I'm gone, huh? Nobody will be able to look after you and you know your parents are too busy. Do you think you'll get a job with your reputation right now?" she scolded us. "Take your sister upstairs and straight to sleep! I don't want to see you leave this house tomorrow other than school!"

"But Grandma!" I tried to protest.

"No Deiji! I'm so disappointed in you!" she shook her head.

---Time skip to school---

I was sat with Shae-Hi at lunch.

"You know, bangtan have a new member and she's a girl! She isn't sat with them tho..."

"How do you know?" I curiously bit into my food.

"She was all over the news! She had a mask on and was on Jungkook's back. I wonder if their dating..." she dreamily gazed at the boys. I choked, making her pat my back.

"Sorry..." I took a sip of my coke.

"What got you all shocked?" she asked before gasping so loud, the whole cafeteria went quiet and looked at us. "Do you like Jungkook?"

"WHAT? NO!! NO NO NO! EW!" I almost gagged, hitting her arm multiple times.

"Okay!" she raised her hands in defence, giggling. I laughed with her, shaking my head.

I felt a tap on my right shoulder and saw my ex Choi Soobin. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"Deiji?" he tapped my shoulder again.

"What, Soobin?" I sighed.

"Can we talk?" he grabbed my wrist harshly, pulling me up. Before I could answer, I glared at Taehyung, silently asking for help. he nodded and whispered something to the table before standing up.

"Deiji..." Soobin pinned me against a wall. "I miss you.."

"Well I don't miss you." I glared at him. "Let me go, freak!"

"Is that a way to talk to me? You know the consequences" he moved his face closer to mine.

"Let her go, Soobin." I heard a familiar voice approach us.

thats not tae...

I turned and saw Jungkook with a mad face.

"Look who it is!" Soobin sniggered. "Why are you here?"

"Soobin leave Jungkook alone." I rolled my eyes, still trying to get out go his embrace.

"Stop struggling, whore" he spat. Before I could get out another word, Jungkook cracked his knuckles and punched Soobin's jaw. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands, watching them both take punches to the point their faces where covered in blood.

"WHOA WHOA!" Taehyung shouted and pulled Jungkook off Soobin. I stood their shocked, looking at all the blood. Jungkook started thrashing in Tae's arms to get back to Soobin.

"BITCH!" Soobin yelled at him.

"ABUSIVE FUCKER!" He yelled back, still thrashing about, his hair going in all directions as a crowd formed around the four of us.

A teacher came and grabbed Soobin and stopped him from charging at us again. Soobin glared at me and I swear is looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under right now..

Everyone apart from Bangtan went to their classes.

"I'll uhm... clean Jungkook up." I pulled my lips into a thin line, pulling his arm with me. It was quiet on the way to the Nurse's office. We saw Soobin in there and the guys just glared at each other while I got a First Aid Kit.

I pulled him to a bench outside and sat him down.

"Are you okay?" he finally spoke.

"pfft. Am I okay? Look at you I can barely see your face there's that much blood." I shook my head while wiping the blood.

"Yeah... I got mad when he called you a whore. Sorry." I just shook my head and gave him a small smile.

"What did you mean when you uhm... called him abusive?" I hesitantly asked. Now his face was cleaned I could see his expressions.

"I know he abused you, Dej." His gaze softened on me. I sighed.

"This is gonna sting a bit on your cuts because its alcohol." I warned him before gently dabbing his cuts. He winced a little. "You, uh. Can hold my hand if you want?"

He smirked and grabbed it. "Making a move already, huh?" he teased.

"Be quite or I'll get Soobin to hit you again." I tried not to smile but I couldn't help it. He started to giggle uncontrollably while shaking his head.

"I've wanted to do that for so long. He really annoys me, you know"

"I bet.." I whispered, finishing cleaning him. " You're all done."

"Can you kiss them better?" he smirked, pointing to the wounds on his lips.

"Not so fast, kid." I chuckled. He pouted and stood up.

"God, you're small." he rested his elbow on my head.

"Be quiet, beanstalk" I pushed him off. He started laughing uncontrollably.

"I'm your beanstalk." he winked.

"YAH! Stop with the useless flirting!" I laughed as we walked back into the school.

"Do you want hang out tonight? You know, like eat dinner and just chill at my house?" he smiled.

"I can't... My grandma won't let us out tonight after we got home at 3am." I sighed. "I would have loved to tho..." I sadly pouted.

"That's okay..." he also sounded disappointed.

"I could sneak out? Our windows are opposite each others so... it would be easy." I suggested.

"I don't want you getting in more trouble..." he shook his head.

"It's fine. I did it all the time in the past."

"You sure?"

"Yep! Tae won't snitch. I'll be there for 7pm. This is my class so... see you tonight." I smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"Bye!" he smiled widely and walked off.

Aish... why am I so exited again?

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