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"Okay, I'm back." I grinned and passed Jungkook the food I bought.

"Thanks." He grinned back and started to eat.

"Lisa and Tae are having sex" I blurted out causing him to choke on the food.

"WHAT?" He started laughing, throwing his head back.

"I know! I was walking out and I heard them moaning. Oh my gosh" I sighed after laughing. I got a video call from Lisa and picked up.

"Don't tell anyone about me and Tae!" She quickly spoke.

"Too late!" Jungkook yelled and I moved to sit next to him so she could see him.

"No! Jungkook can't keep a secret" Taehyung whined and shoved his face into Lisa's neck.

"He'll be fine. Anyway, was my brother good?" I teased expecting a negative response.

"Yea soo good" she sighed and rolled her head back.

"Okay, that's disqusting. I'm eating?" Jungkook almost hung up the phone while I was gagging.

"You'll understand someday." The man on the other line chuckled. "You too seem very close for being ex's" he raised his eyebrows multiple times.

"He was just shot! Not to mention you haven't visited yet, I'm keeping him company!" I defended myself.

"So if I wasn't shot you'd ignore me and act like we're strangers?" Jungkook looked over. I shrugged, not knowing what to say. "Oh..." he whispered and looked down at his food.

"This is getting awkward. BYE!" Taehyung hung up so I closed my phone and put it down. Jungkook didn't spare me a glance and just kept eating.

"You don't have to be here... you can leave if you want." He finally looked up looking a little sad.

"No. It's okay." I smiled and he just nodded. "Are you okay?"

"Of course I am. Why would I not be?" He snapped at me, taking me back a bit.

"You just look upset. That's all." I started to get mad at him.

"You think I'm upset because you said that, right? Why would I be upset because of you?" He gave me a disgusted face.

"Next time you're shot, don't be shouting for me because I won't be coming if this is how you react." I stood up and walked out, back to my car.

I drove back home, biting my lip all the way. When I got back, I slammed the front door and went straight to my room.

"What's up?" Lisa ran in. "I heard the door slam."

"Jungkook is so ungrateful!" I yelled and gripped my hair. "I've helped him even though it hurts looking at him. My heart just swells up but he's such a bitch!"

"Okay, calm down." She sat next to me. "Let's just... hang out?"

I looked at her.

"Sorry I'm not good with this stuff." She shook her head.

"Hanging out sounds fun..." I smiled.

"Great! Should we take a walk around Han River?" She stood up. "We should take Tannie."

"Okay" I smiled and stood with her. "I'm in Jungkook's shirt so let me change"

"Should we go to the pet store instead?" I asked while walking out of my closet

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"Should we go to the pet store instead?" I asked while walking out of my closet. " I think I want to dress up Mika and Tannie" I laughed.

"Oh my gosh! Yes! They would be so cute" she squealed.

"Don't you have two cats? You could get some stuff for them too." I smiled and she nodded.

We got in the car and drove to the store with Mika and Yeontan.

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