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After 3 hours my hair was finally done.

After 3 hours my hair was finally done

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"Thank you, Unnie. I love it so much!" I smiled and turned around to hug her.

"It's okay. Come back soon tho! I miss talking to you!" She pouted and I nodded. When I left the Salon I called Taehyung.

Tae- underlined
Deiji- italics

"Hey! Do you want food? I just got done at the salon." I hopped into my car and placed my keys down.

"Well, the guys are over so can you bring some for them?" I rolled my eyes and leaned into my chair.

"Sure. What do you guys want?"

"SEAFOOD!" I heard on the other line in the distance. Instantly knowing it was Jin.
"Shut up, Hyung! dej just get Sushi and Mc Donalds"

"You are so boring. Bye." I hung up and started the engine, putting my Spotify playlist on the radio and driving off.

I arrived home and unlocked the door. "Can you guys help me with the bags?!" I yelled through and turned back to the car. Jin and Yoongi came out and grabbed all of the bags, leaving me to lock the car and front door.

"Woah! Your hair is amazing!" J-Hope ran over and started stroking it. "It's so far past your hip when it's straight!" He started gushing and blabbing.

"Hyung, leave the poor girl alone." Jimin laughed and Hoseok apologised.

"It's okay, Oppa. Stylist Unnie said my hair is going to stay straight for a few months and when it starts to curl she'll do the same treatment." I grinned and watched them eat.

"So... like the opposite of a perm?" Taehyung scrunched his face.

"You can think of it that way, yeah" I grinned and stole a fry off him. "I'm going upstairs for a while."

"Have fun!" They said in unison then started to watch a movie. I skipped up the stairs and changed into black short shorts and a white tube top.

I grabbed my laptop and lay on my bed, playing a K-Drama to watch for the next few hours.

—-time skip to 10pm—-

I was watching my laptop while eating chips when I heard a tap on my window. I lifted the blinds and saw Jungkook so I opened the window and saw him crying.

"Hey, hey what's up? I thought you were with Yuri?" I calmly helped him through the window.

"She- she. We- I-" he struggled to breath and kept hiccuping.

"Okay. Okay just sit there I'll get some spare clothes. I don't want you sitting in that suit all night." I slowly walked out while he was trying to breath.

I quickly returned with a shirt and shorts and passed them to him.

"Tha-tha- thanks" he wiped his tears but more kept falling.

"Shh. Don't talk. Just change and I'll get you some water, okay?" I patted his shoulder and went to get a bottle of water.

I walked back in and saw him hugging himself, swaying back and forth. I passed him the water and he drank half of the bottle before wiping his lips.

"I-I'm c-cold" he turned to me with his red eyes. I nodded and got one of my oversized jackets that fit him perfectly. He slipped it on before he got worked up again.

"Hey... calm down. It's okay. Tell me when you're ready." I softly whispered in his ear and held him in my arms, stroking his hair and softly singing. He kept crying and crying murmuring things I couldn't make out.

"Can you sing your song to me?" He gently lifted his head a little bit. "I know it's not done but I heard you earlier this month singing."

"Sure..." I wet my lips after he layed his head back on my shoulder and I started singing the song I wrote called 'Butterfly'.

Around an hour later, he was all calmed down and sat up.

"Do you wanna tell me why you showed up at my window at 10pm?" I softly tried to joke around with him.

"Yuri was cheating on me this whole time..." he made eye contact with me. "I should've known it was all a dare. She's way out of my league." He lay back on my bed.

I turned to face him, crossing my legs. "Don't you dare say that! You're not out of her league! Any girl would be so lucky to have you! Just because she played with you not thinking about anyone but her self doesn't automatically make you a piece of trash! You're so kind, cute, funny, athletic, attractive, like come on! You're really the whole package!" I started to rant.

Jungkook just stared at me, holding his tears back again.

"To be honest, I think she's the one out of your league! She doesn't know how to keep her legs closed and to think I was friends with her in elementary. She really showed her true colours to you and thank god she did because if this happened any later, you'll be even more heartbroken."

I finally looked at him and wiped the fallen tears.

"You really think that?" He asked with a raspy voice.

"Duh! Now stop wasting your tears on her. She's really not worth it." I pressed my lips in a line and pulled him into a sitting position.

"I'm really glad I have you." He made eye contact with me again, sending a tingly feeling straight to my stomach.

"Yeah... yeah." I whispered as he pulled me into a hug again.

"Now." He sniffed. "You're watching a K-Drama?" He scoffed playfully, trying to maintain his goofy attitude.

"Oh be quiet." I laughed. "You're still all flustered. Let me wipe your nose and eyes with a tissue" I grabbed his hand and took him to my bathroom.

"Can I stay here tonight? I'll sleep in Tae Hyung's room." He asked while I grabbed a Kleenex.

"Sure I don't see why not? We have a guest bedroom down the hall or we can watch movies all night?" I grinned.

"I think we should do a movie night!!" He jumped up and down, trying to bite my fingers.

"Okay! You're so childish it's adorable" I smiled and he winked.

"I'll show you my none childish side" his eyes darkened and he backed me to a wall.

"Come on. Let's go to the store and get tons of snacks!"

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