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"You wanted me to call you?" I asked Jungkook over the phone while walking with Lisa.

"I'm so so so sorry! I wasn't thinking straight, I was upset and honestly... ever since the breakup I've not been myself. Please forgive me." His voice quivered as he hurriedly spoke.

"S-slow down." I shook my head. "This is why you wanted to call?"

"Yeah... I just want to stay friends no matter what. I don't think I'd cope without seeing you."

"Are you crying?! What's up?" I tried to hold my laughter while Lisa walked away to stop herself from laughing.

"No! I'm not crying" he sniffed and cleared his throat. "Can you visit later? Hoseok and Yoongi just left..."

"Uh... sure I guess." I bit my lip. "Want me to sneak Mika in." I joked.

"YES! I miss my child." He replied. I could tell he was pouting.

"I was kidding... but I'll try I guess. Bye!"

"See you!" He hung up.

I walked over to Lisa and linked my arm with hers. "Let's go home"

***time skip***

I got home and showered before changing to go to the hospital.

I picked up Mika and walked to my car, starting it up

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I picked up Mika and walked to my car, starting it up.

"Okay, Mika. Time to sneak you into Kookie's room." I spoke to her before hiding her in my jacket. I walked through the doors and into the elevator, quickly pressing the buttons. 

"Guess who's here!!" I sang, walking into his room.

"Dej!" I heard Jungkook yell. "Where's my child?"

"Here." I revealed the small kitten. "Also shes my child." I placed her on his chest and sat on the mattress with my legs crossed.

"What did you do today?" He looked up.

"I hung out with Lisa." I replied and stole a fry off the bedside table. "Ew, hospital food. From now on I'll bring you food because you can't be eating that stuff."

"It's fine. It may taste like it has poison mixed in with it but it's less work for you." He shrugged. "I can't wait to get outta here."

"Yeah... I bet it's super boring. The room is so blank as well." I looked back and made eye contact with him.

Stop. You just broke up. STOP IT DEIJI!

"So... wanna watch a movie?" He shifted over and patted the spot next to him.

"Oh, sure." I moved over.

"We'll have to watch it on my phone. Sorry" he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and opened up the Netflix app. "We should watch a K-Drama. Which one haven't you seen?"

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