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It was now 5:30pm and for some reason, I found myself wanting to look my best. So I showered and then decided to change.

I groaned in frustration when I couldn't find anything cute.

"TAEHYUNG!" I yelled and he ran in.

"WHAT? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?" he gasped for air.

"I can't find anything to wear!" I whined.

"It's only Jungkook's house? Wear sweatpants or something." he shook his head.

"I want to look cute. Help me while Grandma is out. If she asks where I am. Say studying at the library." I warned him and he nodded.

after half an hour I finally found a cute enough outfit...

after half an hour I finally found a cute enough outfit

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hair and makeup:

it was 6:57pm so I grabbed a jacket and put on some sneakers

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it was 6:57pm so I grabbed a jacket and put on some sneakers.

"How do I look?" I asked my brother.

"Gorgeous. Now go have fun." he kissed my forehead and opened the window. "Be careful. Don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. Love you."

"Love you too."

I carefully climbed out the window and knocked on Jungkook's door. I waited for around 10 minuets before a boy who looked around 7 years old opened the door.

"Oh. Hi Jung-Mo!" I smiled.

"Hi, Noona!" He smiled and hugged my leg. I patted his back and Jungkook walked out.

"Jung-Mo! What did eomma say about opening the door when she isn't in!" he scolded playfully, kneeling to his height.

"Sorry, Hyung."

"It's okay, I won't tell since it's Noona!" he smiled before patting the small boy's head and letting me in.

"Your house is so pretty!" I gazed at the marble.

"Yeah... I bet yours is nicer since it's bigger and you're richer than us." he playfully nudged me. I shook my head and felt something fluffy on my leg.

"I never knew you guys got a puppy! she's adorable" I picked the cute fluffy thing up. "she looks like Yeon-Tan!" I smiled as the puppy licked my cheek.

"Her name is Tokyo. She's adorable, huh?" He smiled.

"Yes! I want her." I joked.

I placed her back on the floor and hung my jacket up before walking up to Jungkook's room with him

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I placed her back on the floor and hung my jacket up before walking up to Jungkook's room with him. His bedside table had picture frames of Bangtan and even a picture that we all took last night. I smiled and picked up the picture, looking at it for a moment. I placed it back down and looked at the guitars and drum set he had.

"You play these?" I asked while picking up an acoustic guitar.

"Yeah.. the boys and I have been thinking about doing some music?"

"Ah, like becoming a boy band?" I asked while playing a small tune.

"Well, if you want... you can join? We could get famous one day." he chuckled. I giggled with him and carefully placed the guitar back. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Uhm.. I guess? we could make dinner for Jung-Mo as well?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm not a great chef so don't expect much" he started to laugh as did I. We walked downstairs and asked what Jung-Mo wanted to eat. Him being a typical 7 year old, he chose chicken nuggets.

"Hey, Hyung?" Jung-Mo asked while he ate chicken nuggets and we just had ramen.

"Yes?" he looked up.

"Are you and Noona in love?" he innocently looked up.

"NO!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Okay... sorry." he giggled and carried on eating. Jungkook and I made awkward eye contact but carried on with what we were doing.

We finished up eating and Jung-Mo helped Jungkook clean up a little bit while I fed Tokyo and gave her some more water. After we finished we put Jung-Mo to sleep since he was young and we didn't want him to be tired tomorrow since it was a Saturday.

I got a text from Taehyung while we were watching a movie.

Tae 💜💩

Grandma is back and coming to Jungkook's to check you aren't there. hurry and get back NOW!

"shoot. Kook my grandma is coming to check i'm not here. I gotta go. Grab your laptop and follow me out to mine. We'll cut across the tree." I grabbed my stuff and opened his window.

"Wait. someone needs to open the door for her." he stopped me from climbing out.

"Hurry before I get caught or I won't be able to go out for the rest of my life!" I whined as we heard the doorbell. he gave in and climbed out after me, making sure I don't fall.

When we got through the window, Tae was sat on my bed until my grandma came through my door. Jungkook froze as he was still climbing through, seeing my grandmas face.

"G-Grandma. Its not what it looks like!" Taehyung tried to compromise.

"I know you were at Jungkook's, Deiji. I'm disappointed but you are 16 so I guess things like this would happen sooner or later... I won't be harsh on you right now but I'm disappointed. Go back to Jungkook's house and look after his brother." She sighed and closed the door.

"What just happened." I stood still, shocked.

"I have no clue. What's up with her?" Taehyung turned to me.

"I don't know. Maybe she's in a good mood? Why wasn't she in before tho?" I asked him.

"She said she had an appointment at the hospital..." Taehyung whispered before looking at me. "What if..."

"No. Don't think like that! She's fine! She's healthy. You know she is maybe she just didn't feel great." I warned my brother with a stern voice. He nodded and Jungkook and I left back to his house.

Why did she have an appointment at the hospital?

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