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"Hey auntie" I smiled as she opened the door.

"Hello, sweetheart. Come in." She extended her arm and led me inside. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Uhm... sure." I smiled and sat down. "I feel like I've traveled to the past" I looked at my watch while the older woman chuckled.

"I know... Seoul is 7 hours ahead, right?"

"Yeah..." I sighed a thank you as she passed me a large mug.

"I love your hair! I saw your posts on Instagram.. who's Jungkook" she winked and sat across from me.

"Oh... we broke up." I looked down.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know. Why don't you go and unpack and i'll make you some food." She smiled and I nodded.

I walked up to the spare room.

I walked up to the spare room

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"Woah..." I gazed at the room. A call came in from my phone.

"Hi, Oppa!" I hopped on my bed.

"Hey! How is it!" He smiled.

"You look flustered... have you been crying?" I brought my face closer to the phone to get a better look.

"Huh? No. No. Uh." He panicked and wiped under his eyes. "Anyway, can I see your room? Auntie has amazing interior design."

"Sure." I grinned and turned my camera around and gave him a mini tour.

"That's great, Dej. I hope you have fun." He smiled and blew a kiss into the camera.

"See you!!" I hung up and started to unpack.

***time skip 3 weeks***

"Auntie? I'm going out!" I yelled and grabbed her car keys. I was driving to a pet adoption centre to adopt a cat I have been looking at for a while.

Spanish- bold

"Hi! Are you Kim Deiji?" The worker asked when I arrived.

"Yes! I am." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Okay! Follow me." She took me into a small cage where the cat was lay.

"Oh my god! You're adorable!" I squealed as she ran to me feet

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"Oh my god! You're adorable!" I squealed as she ran to me feet.

"She is a kitten from Busan who got rescued 2 months ago. She's 4 months old and from what I've seen, you look like a great fit... what would you like to name her?" The worker sat on the floor opposite me.

"Mika." I grinned. The worker replied 'adorable' and made me fill out paperwork.

I was now in the car with Mika on my lap.

"Let's go to the pet store. You need a pet carrier since we go back to Seoul in a week." I pet her and started driving...

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