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"Deiji!" Taehyung ran into my room. "Listen, I made a song called Inner Child. Listen!" He pressed play and set his phone down, dancing around.

"THIS IS SO COOL OH MY GOD!" I also started dancing. "PUT THIS ON SPOTIFY NOW!"

"Do you still like Jungkook?" He stopped me from dancing and looked into my eyes.


"Do you like Kookie?" He asked again.

"Uh... I don't know." I shook my head. "Maybe."

"Cool! Your my boy, my boy, my boy, my boy, my boooyy" he started singing.

"That was an amazing song. Send me the link pleeasse" I hugged him and started begging.

"Okay. Are you going to the hospital today? Jungkook leave tomorrow, right? I want to see him." He played the song on repeat.

"Yeah, I'll leave now so go change." I pushed him out my room and changed as well.

I put some jewellery on and walked down the staircase and saw Tae

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I put some jewellery on and walked down the staircase and saw Tae.

I put some jewellery on and walked down the staircase and saw Tae

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"Ready to go?" I put my Doc Martens on and grabbed my purse.

"Yeah, let's go." He unlocked the door to his car and got in after I followed behind. He started it up and drove off.

"We are here." He sang and turned off the engine. "This place brings back memories, huh?"

"Yeah... I try not to think about them tho." I shrugged and got out. We walked through the lobby and the waiting room, getting into the elevator.

"I hate the smell of hospitals" my brother whined and plugged his nose.

"Stop being a Baby." I laughed and nudged him. "Room 367"

"Here." Taehyung pointed to the room and slowly opened the door to reveal Jungkook sleeping with his mum next to him, holding his hand.

"Oh, hello Mrs Jeon." I bowed with my brother and she bowed her head back with a small smile.

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