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with my gums still bleeding, I made my way over to the bench which held the love of my life.

Deijis pov:

He showed up...

a warm, black jacket was placed over my bare shoulders. 

he leaned into his seat and looked at the beautiful sunrise. The rain had stopped not long ago.. the rain and gentle sun had created a rainbow. One of our favourite things. 

"I respect you.." 

I looked down, hearing his rasped voice for the first time in 4-5 hours.

"And because I respect you.. I have to leave you." 

I shot my head up into his direction. Blood. That's all I saw. Blood. I didn't see the face of my love. I saw blood. 

"What happened.." 

He looked at me and stretched his beautiful lips to a smile. 

"Nothing." he looked at my thigh and patted it. "Go to your brothers house.." 


"Bun.." he teared up upon calling me his favourite nickname. 

"No, Jungkook. "


he looked defeated.

"I went to your grandma's grave."he held my hand in his lap tightly. "I had to apologise...she trusted me. and I let her down.. I broke her promise." 

"what promise?"

"Just something between the two of us... but I also went to Kim Taehyung's house. you can probably guess that's why im bleeding." he chuckled and patted my hand. "Im forbidden from seeing you."

I sighed and shook my head. "You don-"

"I do. I can't keep hurting you, love." 

he reached into his pocket and pulled a blue velvet box out. he opened it and there sat a beautiful engagement ring.

I gasped and placed my hand on my mouth. jungkook was smiling with tears streaming down his face. 

"I was hoping I could marry you but I think we both know after what I said tonight, I won't allow myself too." he sniffs and takes my face in his hands, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. 

"I want you to wear this ring. I want you to remember me. the bad and good times. I want you to know that even tho I've made mistakes, I'm always going to love you.." he placed the ring on my wedding finger. 

"It's only you I will ever love..."


wow... my first ever book has come to an end. im so emotional right now. as I said' this is my first book and it was so bad I know but if you made it this far I appreciate you... <3

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