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***5 months later ( End of August)***

I was sat on the sofa, surrounded by pillows and blankets with Lisa. We were watching 'Keeping up with the Kardashians' while eating candy.

"Hey, ladies" Taehyung came down and kissed Lisa's cheek before grabbing popcorn from me.

"Hey!" I yelled with my mouth full. He giggled and grabbed his Jacket. "I'm going out."

"With who?" I turned to the door.

"Me!" Jungkook appeared and sprinted towards me, tackling me. I laughed and hugged him back. "Also Jimin. But I'm better, right?"

"Of course." I smiled and pecked his nose. "Have fun!"

"We'll be back later since they are sleeping over. Lisa can stay too?" Taehyung pointed and she nodded. He winked and they both left.

"They looked hot. I wonder where they were going." Lisa nudged me.

"Right? Damn they need to wear animal print more." I sucked air through my lips.

Lisa agreed and turned back to the TV

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Lisa agreed and turned back to the TV.

"Can you braid my hair?" She asked. "It's getting in the way." She sat between my legs and carried on watching the show.

I grabbed two hair ties and started on the french braids. When I finished, I crossed my legs on the sofa and grabbed the popcorn back.

"Let's do something fun." I looked down.

"Okay, like what?" Lisa looked back at me.

"Let's go out. We'll need to change so you can just borrow my clothes." I stood up and we walked to my room to change out of our pyjamas.



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I wore some green and white Air forces and we walked out

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I wore some green and white Air forces and we walked out.

"Where should we go? Just for a walk?" Lisa asked while starting to skip.

"Uhm... we can go roller skating and later tonight we can do karaoke?" I suggested and linked my arm with hers, skipping with her.

"Fun! Let's go get roller skates." She dragged me to a store. We bought two pairs or roller skates and sat on a step to put them on.

"You ready?" I stood up and skated down a small ramp.

***a few hours later***

Both of our feet were aching from the amount of skating we did. I got a video call from Jungkook so I answered.

"Where're you?" He pouted.

"Are you in my room?" I asked and scrunched my face.

"Yes. You're bed is comfy right now. Anyway, answer my question!"

"I'm on my way back now. I'll be 10 minuets. Are you doing anything tonight?"


"Do you want to Karaoke again with me and Lisa? I have your purple mic in my cabinet."


"What's up? You sound mad." I sighed and looked at Lisa who was giggling.

"Yes I'm mad. You're not home!" He yelled and turned on his stomach. "Can I see your outfit?"

I moved my phone so he could see my outfit as I was walking.

"Ooh! Pretty!" He smiled and took a screenshot. "I'm still mad by the way!"

"I'm home now! Jee." I hung up and started complaining about him to Lisa, jokingly.

"Finally." Jungkook sprinted down the stairs. "Ooh it's even more pretty in real life!"

"Are you drunk?" I patted his cheek. Taehyung pulled Lisa to the sofa and they cuddled while talking.

"Everyone is in a relationship in this room but me." Jimin pouted. "I'll call Hobi Hyung." He grabbed his phone.

"Anyway..." Jungkook turned back to me. "Let's go upstairs." He picked me up and threw me on his back. He walked up to my room and sat on my bed, laying back so his back was on my stomach.

I started to play with his hair after I moved up so his head was on my thighs. He hummed and looked back at me.

"You're pretty." He held my spare hand.

"Thank you. You are too." I replied.

"Thank you." He whispered and closed his eyes. I looked at his peaceful face and shifted slightly. "Stop moving.. I'm comfy"

"I cant just not move, kook." I laughed and shook my head.

He turned around and looked at me, resting his chin on my lower abdomen.

"Can I go change please?" I gave him puppy eyes.

"Okay.." he spoke in a soft whisper.

I got up and grabbed some clothes.

"Do you need any clothes? Half of my closet is yours

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"Do you need any clothes? Half of my closet is yours." I laughed lightly and he walked in.

"Do you have my sweatpants?" He looked around. When he spotted the grey ones he wanted he carefully took them of the clothing hanger and changed.

"I have your shirt if you want it." I looked at him folding his clothes neatly.

"It's okay. I'm hot." He smirked.

"I know" I winked and walked out to my room again. I sat back on my bed and went on my phone.

Jungkook sat next to me and just did nothing for a few minuets. He started to poke me in the side and on my arm.

"Give my attention!" He whined and grabbed my phone.

"You're so needy." I looked at him. He smirked and pulled me onto his lap.

"Only for you."

He kissed me and grabbed the back of my neck. I moved my lips against his soft, pink ones.

"Guys?" Jimin walked in. "We are ordering pizza and we're wondering what topping you want." He just stood at the door.

"Pepperoni." Jungkook sighed. "Shut the door!"

"What a cock block" I laughed through my nose and looked back. Jungkook grinned and kissed me again. I shuffled back slightly and pulled away.

"Let's go order pizza I'm starving"

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