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tw: mentions of suicide, self harm, rape etc:

I rubbed my eyes. the light shined through the curtains, waking me up from my sleep. I covered my face with the blanket and rolled over to hug my boyfriend. however, I was greeted with cold air. 

I groaned and sat up. Yoshi wasn't here either but the smell of bacon gave me an idea of where my two boys could be. 

I wandered downstairs, hearing voices other than jungkooks. 

jimin and jin were sat on the sofa, jin windshield laughter filling the bright room. 

"morning." jungkook smiled. I smiled back and walked over to him, making sure to wave at the boys on my way.

"why are they here so early.." I grumbled quietly and played my head onto jungkooks shoulder.

he chuckled softly and plated up some food. " they just showed up here. go sit down with them."

I dragged my feet over to the sofa and flopped down onto the comfortable, grey cushions. 

"hey, sleepy head." jimin teased and pinched my cheeks. I pushed him off and buried my face into the fluffy blanket. 

"hey, where's Mika? I haven't seen her yet today usually she greets u-"

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"hey, where's Mika? I haven't seen her yet today usually she greets u-"

"shush, hyung! I'll tell you later!" jungkook yelled from the kitchen. I sighed, tears pricking my eyes. to be honest, I totally forgot about last night. It all felt like a dream... I need to call Tae and let him know..

"foods ready."

the two boys shot up from the sofa and ran straight into the kitchen. I, however, stayed put on the sofa. I moved my head and reached out for the TV remote. I turned on the news. 

"breaking news, famous social media influencers Jeon Jeongukk and Kim Meiji spotted at the local vets! what happened? why didn't they leave with their beloved cat Mika? find out more later!" 

"what the fuck? social media influencers? since when? I haven't posted on instagram for ages.." I muttered to myself. Jungkook's phone was buzzing and pinging with all the notifications streaming through. 

I grabbed the device and silenced it, rubbing my hands over my face and changing the tv channel.

"dej? do you want to eat." jungkook came in and looked at me wit his soft, boba eyes.

"no but we were on the news. people filmed us going into the vet emergency last night. apparently we're social media influencers!" I scoffed and looked away. "people dont understand privacy these days. plus, all of that crap happened when we were in high school!"

he shifted to stand behind me, massaging my shoulders. 

"Relax.. it's fine." he bent down and kissed behind my ear. 

"Fine?" I stood up. God was I mad. "How is this all fine?"  I turned to face him. 

"Dee, you need to lower your voice." he stood firmly. He's never liked me yelling at him. But at this moment, I had other things on my mind other than what he enjoyed.

"How could you say this is all fine? My cat has just died. Our privacy is being invaded by stupid paparazzi. And you say this is all fine? " I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. 


"You know, I thought you'd care a little more. but instead you just walked down here, allowed friends in and made food. You're acting like nothing even happened last night! you don't give a single shit!" tears poked the back of my eyes but there was no way I was crying right now. 

Jungkooks breathing became hard. His eyes shifted over my shoulder. Jimin and Jin left quickly before he turned his attention to me. 

"I do care." he whispered.

unbelievable. I scoffed and wafted my arms in the air. 

"How dare you." his voice came above a whisper. "How dare you say I don't care."

he moved closer. 

"If I didn't care would I have stood in that waiting room all fucking night? If I didn't care would I have put you to bed, making sure you wouldn't hurt yourself or cry yourself to sleep?" he was angry... 

no, he was livid. I stood in silence. he was pointing his finger everywhere. in my face, toward the door, upstairs.

"if I didn't fucking care, would I have stayed up all night, crying for your health." his shouts echoed around the house. Yoshi was whimpering as he ran upstairs to find a quiet spot.

"Don't you ever say I don't care, Deiji. You know I'd take my life a million times over for you."

"How am I supposed to know, Jungkook? You don't talk to me. You don't talk about your feelings. We hardly  spend time together anymore. "

"we don't spend time because I actually have a job! I work. I have a 9-5 job. someone has to pay the bills around here!" he scoffed and shook his head, turning his back to me.

"well sorry  we got in debt from buying your dog!" 

"I'd rather be in debt then attempt suicide everytime a minor inconvenience occurs! If I hated myself I'd probably kill myself too. I mean, i try so hard but its impossible to spend time with a woman who can't care for herself. I'M NOT YOUR CARETAKER, DEIJI. GROW UP. YOU'RE NOT A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL WHO CRIES ABOUT HER DYING GRANDMA ANYMORE. SHIT HAPPENS IN LIFE, GET. OVER. IT."

My jaw hit the floor. That was it. The tears streamed out as if I had a waterfall for eyes. Silence suffocated us. Not a good silence. The worst silence someone could ever experience. 

I grabbed my keys and left the house. I couldn't be in a room with a monster like him.

walking in the rain, I had a million thoughts at once. my main one being 'How could he?' 

How could he say that. How could he say such a foul thing to someone who has poured their heart and soul out in his arms. 

I sat on our bench. Yes, ours. In highschool, we engraved our names into it. 

looking at the marks, I traced over our initials. Is this the end of our story? 

Jungkooks pov:

The door closed. For about fifteen minutes I stood, waiting for her to come back. I didn't bother crying. I walked up into the bathroom and poured soap into my mouth, scrubbing my tongue with the toothbrush. My mother made me do this to clean my mouth from the foul words that escaped.

With the amount of pressure I was applying, my gums bled. However, I didn't stop. 

You deserve it, Jeon. 

Furrowing my eyebrows, I scrubbed harder. Staring at myself in the mirror with repulse. 

you disgusting human being. 

spitting out a mixture of 20% soap, 5% saliva and 75% blood, I put the toothbrush back. I made my way downstairs and took my coat and cap. I had to apologise. 

Not to Deiji... to her grandma. 

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