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I woke up and turned to see Jungkook sleeping next to me.

"Are you sleeping or messing with me again?" I whispered and gently stroked his cheek. When we didn't reply, I assumed he was sleeping.

"Don't trick me again." I warned. He kept still with steady breathing. I took the chance to admire him and move his hair away from his face.

"I've fallen so hard" I whispered to myself. I saw a small smirk come from his lips and slapped him lightly. "YOU BITCH!" I yelled and turned around.

"Heyyy!" He whined in his raspy morning voice. "I'm sorry! Come backkk!" He tried to reach for me but I scooted to the very edge.


"Please" he rolled over more and bumped into me, knocking me in between the wall and the bed causing me to get stuck.

He started to laugh hysterically as tears formed in his eyes.

"Help me!" I wiggled around before hes grabbed me by my waist and pulled me up. "Idiot." I mumbled before he pecked my lips.

"Sorry." He said before pecking them again.

"It's fine" I smiled a little.

"I've fallen for you too, mi amor" he winked.

"I never knew you could speak Spanish?" I gasped and sat up while he lay his head on my lap.

"Yup. I knew you were fluent in it so I learnt some in 6th grade." he chuckled.

"You did? Oh my god." I smiled.

"Deiji? JUNGKOOK? YOU SLEPT WITH- whaaaattt" Taehyung walked in looking like he saw a ghost.

"Whats up, Tae?"

"Do you want breakfast?" he acted like he didn't just freak out slightly and leant agains the door frame acting 'cool'

"Uhm... just make some for Jungkook. I'm not hungry." I smiled and got up.

"Okay" he walked back out and I walked to my closet.

After I changed, I took the wrap off my hand and walked out

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After I changed, I took the wrap off my hand and walked out.

"Babe?" I heard Jungkook yell from my room.

"Whats up?" I walked over and saw him struggling with the wrap over his new tattoo.

"I can't get it off." he whined and looked at me for help.

"Aish"  I smiled and ripped it off harshly. He winced and I innocently shrugged. I walked downstairs while he showered and changed.

"Hey." My brother looked at me from the side. "How are you?"

"I'm getting there. I still miss grandma tho." I frowned slightly and he pulled me into a hug.

"Me too. But it's okay since we have each other. And you know I'll never leave you."

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